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专业英语讲义 教材:电气信息类专业英语         王群主编 适用专业:电 气 工 程 主讲教师:邓  秋  玲      一 主讲内容 专业英语的文体特点(1学时) 专业英语翻译(1学时) 专业英语文献及其检索和阅读(1学时) 专业英语论文组织和写作(1学时) 专业英语阅读材料(20学时) 二 参考教材 1 电气工程及其自动化专业英语 戴文进主编者电子工业出版社 2 电气自动化专业英语 李久胜主编.哈尔滨工业大学出版社 3 科技英语 保清主编.中国农业机械出版社.1986 Chapter one Literary Feature of Specialized English 1.1 Introduction 1 Purpose: To study specialized English aims at training students’ comprehension and application ablity to specialized English, and letting them to grasp some requisite specialized terms for speciality reading.basic skill and knowledges. thereby they can acquire the newest specialized knowledge(expertise) for science and technology. information data and other information relative to speciality by means of English, and positively take part in international interflow course of science and technology. 2 The definition of specialized English [1]:I n general speaking, English can be divided into two classes,one is common English or general English or ordinary English and English for science and technology,the other Specialized English or English for special [2]The relation of English for science and technology and specialized English 1.2 lexical characteristic As the developing of English,old vocabularies eliminate gradually while new ones spring up constantly. lexical classification 1 special technical words such as diode,substation. 2 special sub-technical words special sub-technical words are words used in common by many specialities and subjects while they have different meanings/connotations in different specialities and subjects such as power, condenser. 3 non-technical words used in common English. 1.2.2 lexical constitution 1 composition Such as: horsepower, push-pull, power utilization (noun+noun) Ice-cold, feedback, power-driven, time-varying, nw-type, dark-blue, red –hot, fine-looking, ready-made, clear-cut small-sized, above-mentioned, far-reaching,overhead, pick-me-up, out-of -door 2 conversion 3 derivation 4 short


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