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电 力 常 用 英 语 锅炉 一、系统部分 锅炉燃烧系统 boiler burning system 锅炉热力系统 boiler thermodynamic system 锅炉风系统 boiler air system 锅炉烟气系统 boiler gas system 锅炉制粉系统 boiler coal powder system 油系统 oil system 压缩空气系统 compressed air system 锅炉启动系统 boiler start-up system 脱硫系统 desulphurizer system 脱硝系统 denitration system 给煤系统 coal feed system 炉渣排放系统 slag emission system 启动床料系统 start-up bed materials system 一次风系统 primary air system 二次风系统 secondary air system 流化风系统 fluid air system 点火燃油系统 ignition oil system 石灰石系统 limestone system 启动系统 start-up system 锅炉房0零米布置图 boiler building arrangement(0.00m ) 锅炉运行层房布置图 boiler building operating floor 锅炉房断面布置图 boiler building sectional drawing 炉后平面布置图 boiler back layout plan 炉后断面布置图 boiler back sectional drawing 煤仓间各层布置图 coal bunker bay arrangement(Xm ) 二、设备部分 2.1 锅炉 2.1.1不同型式的锅炉 锅炉 boiler 固定式锅炉 stationary boiler 蒸汽锅炉 steam boiler;generator power station boiler 工业锅炉 industrial boiler 热水锅炉 hot water boiler 室内锅炉 indoor boiler 露天锅炉 ourdoor boiler 快装锅炉 package boiler 组装锅炉 shop-assembled boiler 超临界压力锅炉 supercritical pressure boiler 亚临界压力锅炉 subcritical pressure boiler 超高压锅炉 superhigh pressure boiler 高压锅炉 high pressure boiler 中压锅炉 medium pressure boiler 低压锅炉 low pressure boiler 自然循环锅炉 natural circulation boiler 强制循环锅炉 forced circulation boiler 辅助循环锅炉 assisted circulation boiler 控制循环锅炉 controlled circulation boiler 直流锅炉 once-through boiler 复合循环锅炉 combined circulation boiler 低循环倍率锅炉 low circulation-ratio boiler 固体燃料锅炉 solid-fuel fired boiler 液体燃料锅炉 liquid-fuel fired boiler 燃煤锅炉 coal fired boiler 燃油锅炉 oil fired boiler 燃气锅炉 gas fired boiler 混烧锅炉 multi-fuel fired boiler 固态排渣锅炉 boiler with dry-ash furnace; boiler with dry-bottom furnace boiler with slag-tap furnace; boiler with wet-bottom furnace supercharged boiler 水管锅炉 water tube boiler 横锅筒(汽包)锅炉 cross drum boiler 纵锅筒(汽包)锅炉 longitudinal drum boiler 锅壳锅炉 shell boiler 卧式锅壳锅炉 horizontal boiler 立式锅炉 vertical boiler 固定式机车锅炉 stationary boiler of locomotiv


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