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完善票据丧失之救济 专业名称:法学 学号 学生姓名:庄榕 指导教师:张琦 职称:讲师 摘 要 票据丧失救济制度是指持票人丧失对票据的占有,票据权利行使受到障碍时,为使票据权利得以实现,对失票人提供特别救济的法律规范的总称。对于票据丧失的法律救济制度,各个国家采取不同的救济方式,一般来说,大陆法系国家采用公示催告制度,而英美法系国家和地区则采取提起诉讼的救济制度。在本文中,通过对我国票据丧失救济制度的介绍,票据丧失的法律后果分析,比较两大法系对票据丧失救济的立法、指出我国票据丧失救济制度存在的缺陷。通过对存在的问题进行分析,学习和借鉴国外先进的制度和经验,提出一些具体的建议,使票据的救济制度不仅保护失票人的合法权益,同时也保护善意取得人的合法权益,从而完善我国票据丧失之救济,更好地促进我国票据市场的顺利发展。 关键词:票据丧失制度 挂失止付 公示催告 Abstract The relief system of negotiable instrument loss, which is the floorboard of the legal standard that point to the holder of the bill lost possession, the bill right exercise by obstacle and to make the right can be realized, the instrument to provide special relief .The loss of bill law relief system, each country take different relief way, generally speaking, the main legal continental law system adopts Public summons for exhortation system, while in the Anglo-American countries and regions are taking a lawsuit relief system. This dissertation, through the introduction of our country negotiable instrument loss system, the legal consequences analysis, registeration system loss on the bills of the remedy of legislation, pointed out that our country defects of negotiable instrument relief system, through analysis of existing problems, studying and learning from foreign advanced system and experience, and puts forward some specific advice. Make notes of the relief system not only protect the legal rights of the instrument, and also protect the legal rights of the bona fide purchaser .perfect our remedies a negotiable instrument loss, and to better promote the smooth development of the commercial paper market in our country. 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 Key words: orfeiture of bills suspend payment public summons for exhortation 引言 随着市场经济体制在我国的确立,特别是在中国加入了WT0后,我国的经济进入了飞速发展时期,在经济活动中,票据的使用也日益频繁,其发挥的作用也越来越大。在票据的流通和使用过程中,票据的丧失也是不可避免的。票据作为一种完全有价证券,其权利的行使离不开对票据的占有,是否占有票据,直接决定了票据权利的享有和丧失。票据具有流通性和无因性等特点,因此票据在丧失之后必须及时采取有效的救济措施,否则很可能会导致失票人丧失票据利益。我国现行票据法对票据丧失救济规定了挂失止付、公示催告以及提起诉讼这三种救济


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