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设 计 概 述 毕业设计题目:成都某烟厂科技办公楼 变频中央空调冷剂系统设计。 建筑面积4137m2,空调面积2192 m2。地下1层,地上5层,一层层高3.9m,其它层层高为3.6m。 业主要求:办公室空调应使用灵活、各房间室内机可以分别控制和调节,能满足各种房间对空调的不同要求, 空调系统不需要专人值班管理。经综合比较,本设计采用变频中央空调冷剂系统。 此变频中央空调系统为直冷式系统,减少了一次热交换损失,冷热量输送效率高,启动时间短,不仅能满足业主提出的要求,还能很好的解决在过渡季节按各自需要延长供冷或供热时间的问题。采用此系统能有效降低运行能耗。 我们的设计以该建筑条件图为依据,按照《采暖通风与空气调节设计规范》(GBJ-2003),进行了空气处理过程计算。采用冷负荷系数法对热、湿负荷进行了精确计算,确定了制冷量、新风量、换气次数等参数,并选取、布置了冷热源设备。本设计的特点是室外机与室内机的连接匹配。最后,运用CAD软件参照施工图深度绘制了全套图纸。 关键词:中央空调 变频系统 节能 The design summarization The title of design project for graduation: The design of VRV (verbal refrigeration volume) air conditioning system, on the science and technology building of a cigarette factory in Chengdu. The construction area is 4173m2,and the conditioner area is 2192m2.There are one floor under the ground, five floors above the ground. In the building, the first floor′s height is 3.9m, and other floors height is 3.6m respectively. The proprietor requirement: the office conditioner should be use flexibly; The indoor machine at each chamber could be controlled and adjusted respectively. Meanwhile, these machines can satisfy the different request of each chamber. The conditioning systems don’t need special management. Through comprehensive contrast, this design adopts frequency-changing conditioning system. This system adopts direct cooling. It decreases heat-exchange loss, and has high heat-changing increases heat transmission efficiency, and shorten the time for start time. This system not only satisfies the requirement which the proprietor has posed, but also solves the problem that we need to lengthen cooling supply or heat supply time in the intermediate season. Adopting this system could decrease running-energy loss effectively. On the basis of the architectural design drawings, our design calculates air process, according to《heating ventilation and air-conditioning design specification》,we calculates heat wet load exactly, and acquire some parameter such as frigeration capacity, fresh-air volume,


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