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研究论文的撰写方法基本结构 ? 论文题名+副标题(Title + subtitle) ? 作者姓名+通讯地址(Authors + correspondence address) ? 摘要+关键词(Abstract + Keyword) ? 引言(Introduction) ? 材料与方法(Materials and methods) ? 结果与讨论 (Results Discussion) ? 结论(Conclusion) ? 致谢(Acknowledgement) ? 参考文献(Reference)具体要求题目 Title ? 简洁 (Short) ? 明确 (Specific) ? 醒目 (Eye-catching) ? 描述性语言 (Descriptive words) 如何写摘要 Writing an Abstract 在摘要中一般应包括以下几方面: ? 背景(Background)? 方法(Methods)? 结果(Results)? 结论(Conclusions) 如何写前言Writing a introduction ? 科研现状 (Research Situation) ? 目前的关键问题 (What are the key problems now) ? 如何解决问题 (How we tackled the problems) ? 评估研究成果 (Assess the effectiveness of the research) 研究方法的描述Method ? 必须给出足够信息确保实验结果可以重复 (Enough information must be given so that the experiments could be reproduced) ? 避免加入实验结果、评论或讨论 (Avoid adding comments and discussion) ? 必要时使用小标题 (Usually with subheadings) 结果整理 Results ? 简明扼要,合理展示数据,并能证明研究结果与目的一致 (Clarity and brevity: display of data with logical development showing how your findings satisfy your objectives) ? 数据要有意义,如必要可与文献中数据做对比 (Number should be meaningful (where possible give illustrative examples and compare those with known results from literature) ? 合理运用统计,误差分析;检察数据的准确性和一致性 (Use appropriate statistics, error analysis, check for accuracy and internal consistency) ? 合理运用图表 (Pay considerable attention to best way to present data (use tables and figures) 怎样写好分析部分 How to write a Discussion ? 结论需严格客观 (Be rigorous about conclusions) ? 总结实验结果支持结论 (Summarize evidence supporting each conclusion) ? 讨论该研究存在的问题及不确定性 (Discuss problems, uncertainties regarding your work) ? 对比其他人的研究结果 (Compare your findings with other studies) ? 理论或实际的应用及其重要性 (Theoretical or practical implications, importance) 讨论的内容 Discussion contents ? 必要背景阐述 (Background for understanding the discussion) ? 实验过程、结果及意义 (What you did, found, thought and what it means for the discipline) ? 给出评论 (Comment) ? 与前人工作对比 (Comparison to previous research) ? 与前人工作相比有何独特之处 (How your results were unique or different from pre


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