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In those years we worked together things 那些年我们一起干过的事 Let us recall the next to go to school when doing bad things, have a look what you done: sick leave; talk in class; class calling and texting; to the students, the teacher nickname; early love, copy homework; cutting class; class to listen to music; tardiness; class snack; smoking;indulge in the games hall etc.. 让我们追忆下上学时候干过的坏事,看看下面哪件你干过:谎称生病请假;上课讲话;上课打电话发短信;给同学、老师取外号;早早恋爱、抄作业;翘课;上课听歌;迟到早退;上课吃零食;抽烟;沉迷游戏厅 等。 a place to eat a place to think about life a place to sleep EXAM FACES Proud owe shoot type Tragedy tears ran type Crash crazy type Rage freak type Heaven silent type Apathetic type Corner depressed type Fright type Examination die type Let us recall childhood when done under the stupid and see which pieces you done the following: torn corner, blowing fans listen vibrato, turn umbrellas, make your own nest, wax fingerprint , squeeze the plastic packaging paper bubbles, watching ants, bite cap, cut rubber, poke a table, wrapped around your finger, wash your socks with water etc… 让我们追忆下童年时候干过的傻事,看看下面哪件你干过:撕墙角,吹风扇听抖音,转雨伞,制作自己的小窝,蜡油指纹,挤塑料包装纸上的气泡,看蚂蚁搬家,咬笔帽,切橡皮,戳桌子,缠手指,洗袜子时用袜子灌水等。 Lets look at different ages children, have done what ... 让我们来看看不同年代的小孩纸,都干过哪些…… 70 后 Seventies 那个时候,每个小朋友都希望爸爸妈妈给自己做一个又大又重的铁环,因为那样稳定性好。而且那时候场地不像现在的水泥地,全是坑坑洼洼的,所以重点的铁环一般不容易受到影响。 80 后 Eighties 一支粉笔画个约定好的房子,然后找一块平整点的石头做为工具,好多人都可以一起玩。规则还很多,一边前进一边要把石块踢到正确的格子里,出界或者跳错了格子的都是失败,失败就得重来。反正记得一般一口气跳完的大多好象是女生。 90 后 Nineties 选一个人当指挥员,其他人围成圈跑,指挥员喊爱的抱抱,爱的抱抱,爱的抱抱,一直喊,最后说一个数。如;2,就2个人抱在一起,如果只剩某1个人,则不符合2人一起,那个人则会淘汰。 hatching in… 孵蛋中…… This memorial, we then never come back childhood··· * * At that time, everyone hope mom and dad to do a big ring, because that good stability. But when the site is not now cement, is full of holes, so the focus of the ring is generally not susceptible to. A piece of chalk to


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