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建排实习报告 毕业实习报告 系 别:专 业:姓 名:学 号:指导教师:田长勋、朱伟萍、刘萍、毛艳丽 完成时间: 2010-2011(2)第1-3周 河南城建学院 2011年 3 月 11 日 指导教师评语 指导教师签字 答辩委员会评语 主任委员签字 设计成绩 年 月 日 前 言 毕业实习是给水排水工程专业教学计划的一个重要的、综合性的教学实践环节。毕业实习使我进一步深入地接触专业知识的实际应用,为更好地把所学的知识运用到实际工作中打下坚实的基础。本次实习是对建筑给排水工程项目规划、设计、施工及建设管理工作方法的综合训练,对于我们提高动手能力、培养严谨认真的科学态度、实事求是的工作作风具有重要意义。通过在建筑施工单位的实习,在施工现场的观察,我们建立了全面和系统的感性认识,熟悉了整个建筑物的设计和施工,总体布置及单个具体卫生器具的安装,布置特点,运行和维护情况。对于促进我们掌握建筑给排水及消防工程的理论和技术,具备运用专业理论知识解决工程实际问题的能力和综合运用相关专业知识的能力,具有重大的意义。本次实习安排在2010-2011年第二学期实习时间为2月21日至3月11日,共三周。 Preface The graduation fieldwork is water and wastewater engineering teaching plan of an important and comprehensive links of teaching practice. Graduation practice makes me further further contact with professional knowledge of practical application, to better the knowledge utilization to practical work and lay a solid foundation. This practice is to building drainage project planning, design, construction and construction management method for us to improve the comprehensive training, practical ability and training rigorous serious scientific attitude, seeking truth from facts, style of work has important significance. Through the internship in construction units, in construction field observation, we established a comprehensive and systematic perceptual knowledge, be familiar with the entire building design and construction, layout and single specific health appliance installation, layout characteristics, operation and maintenance of the situation. To promote our knowledge of building drainage and fire engineering theory and technology, has to use professional theory knowledge solving engineering problems ability and integrated using the related specialized knowledge ability, it has great significance. This practice arrangement in 2010-2011 the second term practice time for February 21 to March 11, a total of three weeks. 目 录 目 录 ............................................................................................................................


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