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广告语翻译大全 1.英语广告语的特点 1.1简练 Brief 广告,由于受到时间、资金等多方面因素的影响,总是希望在最短的时间内吸引观众的注意力。 很多世界驰名的英语广告,都是以简练取胜的: Drives wanted. (大众汽车) Your true choice. (ATamp;T电话公司) Passion for the road. (马自达汽车) Makes dreams come true. (迪斯尼乐园) Let us make things better. (飞利浦电器) 在简练这方面,广告有以下特点: 1.1.1多用口语: 口语的运用,使广告具亲和力。 在广告中会尽量采取人们在日常生活中使用的口语,并多使用一些小词汇(small words),以更贴 近观众。 My goodness! My Guinness! Guinness啤酒的广告,“my goodness”表示惊讶,这个组合形象生动,易于记忆。 俚语和非正式英语也常出现在广告中。 下面是一则推销微波炉的广告,用词简单,口语化很强。“gotta”为俚语,相当于“got to”,让 人觉得很贴近生活。 I couldn’t believe it! Until I tried it! I’m impressed by it! You’ve gotta try it! I love it! 1.1.2多用简单句,明快有力: 简单句地运用,能使顾客的心与广告一起舞动。 下面这则广告就体现了简明的特点: The Armco vacuum learner cleans rugs and drapes. It cleans hard surfaces like woods and vinyl floors. Even cement. The Armco vacuum cleaner is smooth and quiet. Try it! Make your floors sparkle with new cleanliness. 1.1.3多用省略句,突出关键词。 省略句的运用,能让广告用最少的篇幅、时间、费用包容尽可能多的信息,收到最大的宣传效果。 Refresh! (香皂广告) 仅此而已。但香皂的清新功能却昭然赫赫了。 还有一些驰名的广告,也都充分利用了省略句独特的功效。 A mile way. Make it a mild smoke. Smooth, rich, rewarding. (Mild 香烟) Love in your heart –peace in your mild –lifeguard in your home –the disinfectant you trust completely. (消毒剂广告) 1.2亲切Affability 1.2.1运用现在时: 使消费者坚信产品的持久与永恒。 比如Minolta复印机的广告正是如此。 Beautiful full-color copies are in full bloom from Minolta. Because our Laser Intensity Modulation system varies color intensity per dot in 256 gradations with 400 dots per inch resolution. All to creat subtle colors and textures you have to see to believe. So experience Minolta digital full-color copiers. For color copying, they’re pure quality. 1.2.2运用主动语态: 使消费者认为自己也站在一个主动的位置,而不会出现抵制情绪。 在Lark牌香烟的广告中,几乎全是主动语态。 (以下注意使用英文标点) Smoothness you can taste. If you’re looking for the same smoothness in your cigarette, nothing beats a Lark. The reason? Our unique filter. It has two outer “tar” and nicotine filter, plus and inner chamber of specially treated charcoal granules. Together they smooth the smoke, and give y


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