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Construction Organization Design For *** Lingang 500MW Blade and Nacelle Project ***风电临港500MW 叶片和机舱项目 施 工 组 织 设 计 目录 Index 第1部分 施工组织设计总说明 1 1.1 工程概况 Generals 2 1.1.1 项目情况 Condition 2 1.1.2 建筑结构概况 General of Building Structure 3 1.1.3 地质情况 Geological Condition 6 1.1.4 水纹及周围道路情况 Water wave and peripheral road and underground pipelines 6 1.1.5 安全文明施工目标 Safety and civilized construction objectives 7 1.1.6 工程特点、难点及对策 Project difficulty and countermeasure 8 1.2 工程目标 Project Objective 10 1.2.1 质量目标 Quality Objective 10 1.2.2 工期目标 Schedule Objective 11 1.2.3 安全、文明施工目标 Safety, Civilized Construction Goal 11 1.3 施工大型机械的配备 11 Preparation of large equipment for construction 11 1.4 工程施工设想 Construction Consideration 12 1.5 编制依据 Reference 13 第2部分 施工进度计划 1 2.1 进度计划编制说明 Description of Schedule Preparation 2 2.2 施工流水段划分 2 Division of Streamlined Construction Section 2 2.2.1 施工流水段划分的原则 Principle of the Division of Streamlined Construction Section 2 2.2.2 流水段划分 Division of Streamlined Section 3 2.3 施工总进度计划 General Construction Schedule 3 2.3.1 总工期安排 General Schedule Arrangement 3 2.3.2 主要节点工期 Key Milestone Dates 3 2.4 施工进度计划表 Construction Schedule 4 2.5 工期保证措施 Measures to Guarantee Schedule Time 4 2.5.1 进度目标体系的要求 Requirement of Progress Objective System 4 2.5.2 成立工期保证领导班子 Establishment of Leading Team to Guarantee Scheduled Time 5 2.5.3 设备的保障 Equipment Guarantee 6 第3部分 施工机械配备 1 3.1 施工机械的选择及布置 Option and Arrangement of Construction Equipment 2 3.2 主要施工机械设备一览表 Schedule List of Main Construction Equipment 3 3.3 施工机械配备明细表 Deployment Breakdown of Construction Equipment 4 第4部分 施工平面布置 1 4.1 施工总平面布置 General Construction Layout Plan 2 4.1.1 材料堆场及加工场布置 Arrangement of Material Laydown Area and Working Shed 6 4.2 施工用水、用电方案 Construction Water and Electricity Plan 7 4.2.1 临时用电布置 Temporary Electrical Consumption 7 4.2.2 临时用水布置 Temporary Water Consumption 8 4.3 施工现场平面布置图(见附图)Construction Site Layout Plan (See attached diagram) 9 4.4 施工现场临时用水、用电布置图。见附图Temporary Water and Electrical Distribution on


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