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摘 要 本设计主要阐述了庄浪县安居小区各系统电气设计的设计依据、原则和方法及设计选择的结论。本设计共主要包括强电部分设计、弱电部分部分设计及安防部分设计; 强电部分主要内容包括:低压配电系统、照明系统及防雷接地系统的设计,其中包括负荷计算、照度计算等。 弱电部分主要内容包括:电视、电话、网络,对讲系统以及背景音乐的设计。 安防部分包括电视监控系统,周界防范系统,电子巡更系统等。 本小区电气设计作为毕业设计,其目的是通过切身实践,综合运用所学知识,理论联系实际,锻炼独立分析和解决建筑电气设计问题的能力,为即将面临的工作奠定坚实的基础。 关键词 配电系统,照明,负荷,防雷接地,电视电话,网络,周界防范,电子巡更,电视监控。 Abstract This essay is going to analyze the foundations, principles, methods and alternatives that were used when designing the electric systems of the shenghua community in tianjin city. In this essay there are mainly focusing on the design of forceful electric power;design of security automation system and light current. The forceful electric power includes the design of low voltage distribution, lighting and Earthing for lightning protection system. As well as computing charge, computing lighting level etc. The light current contains: the design of CATV telephone and network systems, interphone systems,background music system. Security defence antomation systems contains:perimeter defence systems, closed Circuit Monitoring TV and guard tour system. 25 plans were accomplished, including: 20 graphics for the forceful electric power parts, 7 graphics for the light current parts, 5 graphics for the security defence parts. All plans are completed based on AUTOCAD. The purpose of using the electric system design of this building as the graduation design was to apply the concepts and techniques into practice and, to exercise individual analytical ability and problem resolving capability, in order to take advantages when facing realistic problems at work. Keywords: distribution system, lighting, load, earthing for lightning protection, telephone, network, perimeter defence , closed Circuit Monitoring TV, guard tour . 目录 1.绪论 1 1.1建筑电气概述 1 1.2住宅设计工况 2 1.3住宅设计内容 2 1.4设计规范 3 2.配电系统 4 2.1设计要求 4 2.2低压配电系统线路的选择 4 2.2.1.低压线路接线方式 4 2.2.2.负荷等级及电电源 5 2.3 设备安装 6 2.4 电能计量方式选择 6 3.照明和插座系统设计 7 3.1照明系统的概述 7 3.1.1照明系统的目的与要求 7 3.1.2照明计量单位 7 3


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