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in search of by the light of less than take apart in return belongs to think highly of at war We think highly of belong to rather than look into In return for have survived survive the test to design are designed 拿走 脱掉 撤职 消除 开除 respecting a heated debate with about under that from having survived designed being downloaded worth a try was designed for survive on evidence that to read/reading the books reading of for where belonging in return in return for 必修二 Unit 1 Cultural relics 创新大课堂 话题诵读·重积累 主干回扣·夯基础 热点关注·抓关键 课时作业 第一部分 模块复习方略 必修二 Unit 1 Cultural relics rare design fancy remove former worth local sink debate valuable value invaluable survive survival survivor amaze amazing amazed amazement select selection decorate decoration doubt doubtful evidence evident amazed decorations survived survivors survival doubt doubtful doubts evident evidence search to in as at less apart highly into rather belonging to think highly of took apart at war in return could never have imagined He could not have succeeded There is no doubt that there is no doubt that we can master English what happened what others say what we have done which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe where to go on holiday Nor do I think Nor could I was decorated to finish as reception to making when was stolen mystery have built * *



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