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数据库】马列、哲学、政治、法律、社科总论2007年三季度 【文献号】1337 【原文出处】河南省政法管理干部学院学报 【原刊地名】郑州 【原刊期号】20074 【原刊页号】35~40 【分 类 号】D414 【分 类 名】刑事法学 【复印期号】200709 【标 题】论量刑公正的一般标准 【英文标题】 On the General Standard to the Fairness of Discretion of Punishment 【作 者】赵廷光 【作者简介】赵廷光,武汉大学法学院,湖北 武汉 430072   赵廷光(1935—),男,贵州镇宁人,武汉大学法学院教授,博士生导师。 【内容提要】在近代刑法学术史上,西方国家曾经围绕报应刑论与目的刑论的对立,就刑罚价值取向和量刑公正标准量刑进行过激烈的争论:报应刑论认为“刑罚轻重应当与罪行轻重相适应”,目的刑论认为“刑罚轻重应当与人身危险性相适应”。最后在两者之间形成折中主义刑罚论,认为“表明行为社会危害性和行为人人身危险性事实情况都是影响刑罚轻重的因素”,此说为多数学者所赞同并为多数国家刑事立法所采纳。根据现行刑法第五条规定,我国量刑公正标准属于折中主义刑罚论,表现为“罪责刑相均衡”,其精髓在于:刑罚的宽严程度应当与行为的社会危害程度以及行为人的人身危险性程度“相互适应”,因此,正确处理法定刑、量刑情节与宣告刑三者之间的数量关系,是实现量刑公正的唯一途径。 【摘 要 题】理论探讨 【英文摘要】 In the modern history of criminal law study, there were heated arguments on the value orientation of penalty and standard of fair discretion of punishment, around the opposition of retributive punishment doctrine and object punishment doctrine: the retributive punishment doctrine held that the degree of the punishment should fit the degree of the crime; the object punishment doctrine believed that the degree of punishment should fit the fatalness of the criminal. At last the two doctrines reach the compromise punishment doctrine, holding that the degree of the crime and the fatalness of the criminal are all the elements which influence the discretion of punishment. This doctrine is accepted by most of the scholars and is adopted by the criminal laws of most of the countries. According to the article 5 of the current criminal law, the standard of discretion of punishment of our country adopts the compromise punishment doctrine, shown as the Adaptability among crime, responsibility and punishment, the spirit of which is the degree of punishment should fit the degree of crime and the fatalness of the criminal. So, the only way to realize the fairness of discretion of punishment is to deal with the quantitative relations among legally-prescribe punishment, details that influence the discretion and pronounce punishment. 【关 键 词】量刑/量刑公正/罪责刑相适应/法官自由裁量


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