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含分布式电源的配电网络供电恢复问题研究 摘要 含分布式电源配电网发生故障后,通过对开关的操作可以改变网络的运行方式,包括孤岛运行的方式,选择一种最优方案,进行故障恢复提高供电可靠性。 本文对配电网进行分析,建立配电网的变结构耗散网络模型,并对配电网的潮流算法进行了改进,采用收敛速度快的前推回代算法进行潮流计算,对包含分布式电源的配电网进行简化计算,分布式电源节点等效为PQ节点,从而可以节省计算的时间,提高了计算的效率。 其次,在介绍遗传算法原理的基础上,对编码方法及相应的遗传操作策略、评判方法以及适应度函数的设计等进行了一些改进,针对遗传算法的局限性、选择操作、交叉率与变异率的选取问题,对遗传操作步骤作了改进,采用适应度比例法与最佳个体保存法相结合的选择方法,在优化过程中采用改进自适应调整的交叉率和变异率,减少了使有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站陷入局部最优的可能性,提高了计算效率。 最后,建立故障恢复的数学模型,以恢复负荷最大为目标函数,应用遗传算法有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站最优解,算例结果验证了该算法的效果,并对含分布式电源后对配电网恢复重构的影响进行了分析。 关键词:配电网;故障恢复;遗传算法;前推回代法;潮流计算;分布式电源 Research on distribution network service restoration considering distributed generation Abstract When, after the failure of distribution network, through the operation of the switch can change the network operating mode, select an optimal program for Reconstruction Recovery and improve the reliability of the power supply. In this paper, first of all determine fault section in order to isolate faults. Analysis of the distribution network, the establishment of distribution network dissipation variable structure network model, and the trend of distribution network to improve the algorithm, the fast convergence of the previous generation of back flow calculation algorithm, which can save computing time and improve the efficiency of the calculation. Secondly, introducing the principle of genetic algorithm based on the coding method and corresponding genetic manipulation strategies, evaluation methods and the design of fitness function for a number of improvements, etc., in view of the limitations of genetic algorithm, select the operation, cross-rate and mutation rate selection problem, steps made of genetic improvement, the use of the fitness ratio of law and the best combining individual preservation method of choice, used in the optimization process to improve the adaptive adjustment of the cross-rate and mutation rate, reduced so that a local search the best possibility to improve the computational efficiency. Finally, the establishment of



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