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大气环境保护教学设计设计 教学目标 1.了解大气污染所形成的全球变暖、臭氧层的破坏、酸雨等现象产生原因及危害; 2.正确认识大气环境保护的重要意义; 3.通过沉浸式双语讲授,学生在掌握地理知识的过程中,应用英语,提高英语应用能力。 教学重点 1.全球变暖 2.臭氧层的破坏和保护 3.酸雨的危害 教学难点 英语语境的建立与学科学习相结合 教学准备 多媒体课件 教学过程 1.Introduction Show to the students the picture that the earth is sweating like a man feeling enormously hot in summer and the picture of Antarctic hole of ozonosphere, and watch the short film about acid rain. 2.presentation 2.1. 整体思路 Guide the students to know three atmospheric problems, each problem instructed in this way: first, what causes the problem; secondly, what harmful affects such problem bring; and finally, measures that can be taken to solve the problem. 2.2 具体教材双语的讲授。 2.2.1 global warming After a picture that show the change of the temperature of the earth in recent year, I put forward a question: “Is the temperature going up or down? The students answered and students understand what is “global warming”. Then the students discussed the cause of global warming in English, I listened to them and help them express themselves in English, finally conclusions were reached about what the human should do to stop the earth from getting hotter 2.2.2 the protection of ozone layer At first a short English film show how the CFC “eat” the O3, then with the more widely use of the refrigerator that used CFC, Antarctic hole of ozonosphere appeared after that, English film show harmful affects about the depletion of ozone layer. In the same way, what to do to protect ozone layer is the last thing for students to know. p;?? 1) Carbon dioxide is the main _______in the atmosphere. A.gas that can form acid rain B. greenhouse gas C. gas that will damage the ozonosphere D. gas that can form cloud to rain 2)Deforestation will result in the increase of_______. A.carbon dioxide? B. carbon oxide C.sulfur dioxide? D. CFC 3)Apart from the natural factors that dam


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