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健康元品牌整合战略 问题与对策研究 作者姓名:郭悦婷 专业名称:工商管理 摘要 在知识经济已经兴起,经济全球化趋势不断加快的新形势下,品牌战略日益受到中国企业的重视。但是,如何创建强势品牌,从而获得竞争优势却成了摆在他们面前的一道难题。尤其对于中小企业而言,更是如此。我国的许多中小企业还没有树立品牌观念,没有把品牌的创建作为企业经营的中心任务,这样难免造成市场竞争力弱,产品生命周期短暂的局面,因此研究品牌创建策略对我国中小企业的发展具有重要的意义。 本文主要针对健康元药业集团在实施品牌战略过程中所采取的策略进行研究,力图为面临品牌创建困境的企业提供有益的借鉴。本文以现行品牌理论和相关的战略理论、营销理论为指导,从分析我国保健品行业的市场现状和竞争态势入手,深入分析健康元药业集团在品牌整合战略过程中面临的机遇和挑战,结合该集团的实际,对其面临的考验提出了解决方案。 关键词:品牌战略 品牌整合 品牌延In a knowledge-based economy has been rising trend of economic globalization is accelerating under the new situation, the brand strategy of Chinese enterprises have become an increasing importance. However, how to create a strong brand, thus gain a competitive advantage has become a pendulum in front of them a problem. Especially for SMEs. Many of Chinas SMEs have not yet establish the brand concept, not to create a brand of business as the central task of this inevitably caused by weak market competition, product life-cycle of short-term situation, the study of Chinas brand building strategy for the development of SMEs Important significance. This article mainly for Join-care Pharmaceutical Group in the implementation of brand strategy in the course of the strategy adopted by the study, in a bid to create a brand for the predicament facing the enterprises to provide useful lessons. Based on the existing brand theory and related strategic theory, marketing theory as a guide, from the analysis of the health products industry and competitive dynamics of the market starting with the status, in-depth analysis of Join-care Pharmaceutical Group brand integration strategy in the process of facing the challenges and opportunities of The Group of the reality facing the test of their proposed solutions Keywords: Brand strategy, Integrate brand, Brand extend effect 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 目录 III 1 导论 1 1.1 选题背景 1 1.2 论文的主要内容及结构安排 1 1.3 研究意义 2 2 健康元集团发展历程 3 2.1 集团发展介绍 3 2.1.1健康元旗下的产品 4 2.1.2健康元的市场占有率 4 2.2经营模式发展历程 5 3.健康元的品牌整合问题 7 3.1健康元品牌整合的延伸问


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