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装配流水线的PLC控制设计 郑巧 (东海科学技术学院 机电工程系,浙江 舟山 316000) 摘要 本设计以当今自动化水平越来越高的现状。装配流水线在生产过程中代替人力发挥出越来越重要的作用。以此为背景从它的概念和特点出发,提出了装配流水线生产上的问题和不足,如:生产不平衡、效率低、现场管理混乱等。各企业通过调整装配作业指导、运用工序同期化和加强现场管理等方法来改善这些问题。对装配生产流水线进行改进,最终达到使整个装配线趋于平衡、装配效率有效提高和提高现场管理的目的。 PLC是现代通用的工业控制计算机。其接口容易,同时PLC的编程语言简单易懂很容易被不管是否有电路基础的用户都能很快上手和掌握。在各个领域都得到广泛的应用,特别是工业自动化领域。 装配流水线是现在企业批量生产和扩大发展中不可或缺的的生产方式。目前,PLC在装配流水线上应用广泛。而本设计是在电脑上模拟控制整个装配流水线的流程,以现在较为流行的PLC(可编程控制器)为基础来实现装配流水线的控制功能。 本次设计我以饮料装瓶为例。其程序是通过PLC控制8盏LD灯的闪烁来模拟饮料装配流水线的传送、装瓶、盖盖、贴签和成品入库。在程序设计中,我使用了大量的置位与复位指令,并运用比较指令来选择不同的操作工位,结合传感器使饮料瓶到达装配工位时停止传送。经过多次的程序设计和模拟仿真,程序已能实现移位、三工位装配和单工位入库等操作。 关键词:装配流水线;PLC;控制系统 Abstract Nowadays, this design occupies important position in automation level. The assembly line to replace human in the process of production playing an increasingly important role, as the background. Proceeding from its concept and characteristic,It Puts forward the problems and the insufficiency in the assembly line of production .Such as: production imbalance, the efficiency is low, the site management confusion, etc. In order to solve these problems ,we can take measures like adjusting the assembling work instruction,synchronization in using process, strengthening the site management .Making improvement of the assembly production line, can finally make the whole assembly line in equilibrium, and effectively improve the assembly efficiency and enhance the site management . PLC is the control computer of modern general industrial. Its interface is easy, meanwhile the programming language of PLC is simple and can be easily understand and quickly handcuffed and master whether the users have circuit basis or not. In every field it is widely used, especially in industrial automation. Assembly line is the indispensable mode of production in enterprise of expanding and batch production. At present, the PLC is widely used in the assembly line. While this design on the computer which is controlling the entire process in the assembly line, wit


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