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目录 1. 实验任务 3 2.设计方案 3 2.1硬件设计 3 2.1.1 MQ-3酒精传感器 5 2.1.2 MQ-2烟雾传感器 6 2.1.3 温湿度传感器传感器 6 2.1.4 模数转换模块 8 2.1.5 LCD1602液晶显示 10 2.1.6键盘电路如图所示 11 2.1.7 报警电路 11 2.2软件设计 12 2.2.1 编译语言的选择 12 2.2.2 主程序模块 12 3.结论 13 参考文献 16 程序 17 摘要 本设计采用MQK2酒精传感器和MQ3烟雾传感器就是一种对气体敏感的化学传感器,它能随着外部气体的浓度或不同而改变敏感膜的电阻。系统选AT89S52单片机为控制核心,对检测到的气体状况进行相应的处理分析、处理和显示,并通过报警进行提示。 酒精泄露的检测、监控以及对酒后驾车的监测对居民的人身和财产安全都是十分重要且必不可少的。从工厂企业到居民家庭,同时,为了早期发现和通报火灾,防止和减少火灾危害,保护人身和财产安全。防止火灾引起燃烧、爆炸等事故,造成严重的经济损失,甚至危及生命安全。就必须对烟雾进行现场实时检测,因此,研究酒精与烟雾的检测方法并研制酒精烟雾报警器就成为传感器技术发展领域的一个重要课题。 关键词:酒精传感器,烟雾传感器,AT89S52单片机,报警 Alcohol concentration smoke alarm Abstract The factory from enterprise to residents family, alcohol leaked detection, monitoring and drunk driving to the inhabitants monitoring personal and property security is very important and necessary. At the same time, in order to early detection and inform fire, and prevent and reduce the danger of fire protection of personal and property security. Prevent fire cause burns, explosion accidents, cause serious economic loss, even endanger life safety. It needs to smoke the real-time detection, therefore, the alcohol and the smoke and the detection method developed alcohol smog announciator became the sensor technology development areas of an important subject. This design USES the MQK2 alcohol sensor and MQ3 smoke sensor is a gas sensitive chemical sensors, it can along with external gas concentration or different and change the resistance of the sensitive membrane. AT89S52 SCM system chosen as control core, to detect gas condition for the corresponding processing analysis, processing and display, and through the alarm to indicate. Keywords: Alcohol sensor smoke sensor AT89S52 SCM call the police 1. 实验任务 设计一个基于单片机的酒精浓度检测系统,检测结果用LCD显示器显示。基于STC89C52单片机,MQ-2酒精浓度传感器和MQ3烟雾传感器,能够手动设定报警值并能实现报警。 2.设计方案 2.1硬件设计 由于本次设计需要用到单片机,来完成对酒精浓度的


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