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(来自:WwW.zaiD 在点网:六百字记叙文) 叫上一二个死党,走出教室,便看到如洪水般涌出的人流,如是在以往,我定然会感到诧异,那些死宅到就算在学校也要宅在教室里的少男少女更何况现在是寒冬,他们怎么会就这样出来呢?不过今天不同......
走出教学楼,这是一个白色的海洋,每棵树上都挂着白色的雪花,真是忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。再看看其他呢,那一个个少男少女,他们亦或许是爱美染了发,亦或许是这一下子便老了几十岁,那简直就是一群老人在散步,不过这样的头发,这样的发色也是阻止不了少男少女们那颗充满活力的心 ,少女们在一边漫步一边笑谈着,而少男们呢,他们那与生俱来的调皮,在这个时候彻底爆发了,在笑闹间,再也不顾什么校规,挽起地上的积雪,向对方砸去,很快,这便演变成了雪弹大战,也不知,是否能流传千古,看着这些少男们一脸的笑容,他们彷如是在落英中舞动的精灵,没有忧愁,没有烦恼,这些祖国未来的花朵们,正在向世界展现他们的青春活力,是如此的美好。
看着这里发生的每一幕,我也忍不住 向人群中奔去,抛开所有的不愉快,享受属于我这一年龄的快乐,似乎在这一刻,早已不是寒冬了。
篇二:英语记叙文作文六百字 If I could go back in time
The Way to Go Back In Time
I am hardly to think about 憭eif...?because I know the god would not give people
second chance to go back in time. Everything have their time, a season for every
activity under the heaven, a time to be born and a time to die, a time to laugh and a
time to mourn. But if one day I have a special chance could go back in time I will
chose without second thought to be back in the time when her being alive and I would
be with her - my dear grandmother.
When I was a child, my parents always busy with their work until I went to
primary school. It was my grandparents who took care of me during my childhood.
But they went back hometown when I was six years old.The hometown is far away
from the city we live so that we had a little time to go back and to visit them. I remember the longest time being apart for four years. Gradually, as I grew up, our
connection became less and less.I didn?t know how to express myself when we talked
on the phone, only a few words of greeting and then said goodbye. Even in the spring
festival, once we back to hometown that I were taking a little time to accompany with
them because they always got up early and slept early. I always felt depressed when
my parents asked me that I must s