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重庆大学本科学生毕业设计 重庆沙坪坝大学城曾家镇“碧水山庄”项目开发策划报告2 (修改版) 学 生:笑嘻嘻 学 号:笑嘻嘻 指导老师 :黄正军 专 业:房地产经营管理 重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院 Undergraduate: 笑嘻嘻 Student ID:笑嘻嘻 Supervisor: Prof. Huang Zhengjun Major: Real Estate Management College of Construction Management and Real Estate Chongqing University June2012 摘 要 重庆市沙坪坝区西永大学城曾家镇地处大学城西南方向,旅游资源丰富,每年都会举办各种各样的旅游节日,吸引非常多的外来人口。 项目地处曾家莲花湖,项目位置优越,投资环境良好,在未来不久,莲花湖将会被各路开发商看中,本项目正是乘着这样的契机,将会在市场风云变幻中脱颖而出,所以项目取案名为“碧水山庄”,英文为“water villa”。 此策划报告是经过本项目组查阅多方面文献资料,多次实地查勘,根据莲花湖目前的综合现状,运用科学的分析手段,对莲花湖周边风貌协调区的整体定位、形象设计、业态分布、价格制定、营销策略、开发投资收益等一系列因素得出了相应的结论,得出了本项目的整体开发策划方案。 关键词:稀有别墅群,旅游地产,大学城最后的宝地 ABSTRACT Shapingba District, Chongqing University of the West Wing city once home town is located southwest of the university town, rich in tourism resources every year to organize a wide variety of tourist festival to attract more foreign population. The project is located in Lotus Lake, once home, the project location and good investment environment in the future soon, Lotus Lake will be the brightest developers fancy, this project is riding on this opportunity will stand out in the market changes project case is called water villa. This planning report after the project team access to many documents, several Shidichakan, according to the Lotus Lake, current status quo, the use of the means of scientific analysis, the overall positioning of the style of coordination area around the Lotus Lake, image design, format distribution. Price development, marketing strategy, development and investment income a number of factors have come to the conclusion obtained in this projects overall development planning program. Key words: rare villas, tourism, real estate, University City last of the treasure 小组分工情况 组长: 小组成员: 分工情况一览表 序号 课程设计内容 1 前期准备工作(问卷设计与调研) 2 总论 3 项目投资环境分析 4 市场分析与定位 5 项目规划设计 6 项目投资分析 7 财务评价 8 项目风险分析 9 项目工程管理 10 项目营销策划 11 项目广告推广 12 项目物业管理 13 word文本格式整理 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 总论 1 1.1 项目


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