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硕 士 学 位 论 文 论文题目:金代西京文化研究 The studies of xijing-culture of Jin Empier 作者姓名: 作者学号: 指导教师: 论文密级: 专业名称:中国古代史 单位年级:政治与历史学院2010级 完成日期:2013年4月 研究生学院 金代西京文化研究 [摘 要] 金代西京大同是我国北方的文化中心之一。金朝统治西京的一百年中,西京的农业、手工业、商业都得到了不断发展,为西京文化的发展奠定了经济基础。西京地处南北交汇之处,是农耕文明与游牧文明的交融地带,独特的地理区位是其文化发展的地域基础。人口流动以及多民族融合是西京文化形成的人文基础。 西京文化取得了多方面的成就。西京是金朝教育与科举发展较快的地区,诞生了众多有影响力的文学家,如李纯甫、雷渊都为西京文化繁荣做出了贡献,形成了西京的地域性的文化集团。此外,佛、道两家在金代西京兴盛,西京地区寺院经济发达,大同华严寺、朔州崇福寺都是著名的寺院。 从北魏在大同建都一直到辽金时期,鲜卑、契丹、女真等少数民族的人民先后生活在这片土地上,留下了少数民族的特色和烙印,他们与当地的汉人相互影响,彼此吸收对方文化的精华,金灭辽后,受多民族文化的影响,西京人衣着、发式胡化倾向较为明显,社会风俗习惯也逐渐发生了变化,形成了带有自身特色的地域文化。西京地区以李纯甫为代表的黄派领袖,在诗词文风方面豪放凛冽的文化充分体现了北方士大夫豪爽的性格。 西京这种多元化的文化无论是对于西京、还是金朝,甚至是几百年后的大同地区都产生了很大影响。 [关 键 词]:金代;西京;文化 THE STUDIES OF XIJING CULTURAL OF JIN EMPIER ABSTRACT Jin Dynasty Datong is one of the cultural center in the north of China. The agriculture,handicraft and industry which boosted handsomely in all directions in this period of the history laid the economic foundation for the depth development of the culture. Located in the North-South intersection and conbined farming civilization and farming civilization, Datong h`s unique geographical location is the foundation of the development of the culture. Further more, Population flow and multi-ethnic integration of humanity is the basis of Xijing cultural formation. Xijing cultural prosperity, and achieved notable achievement. Squece of impactive arts, such as Li Chunfu, Lei Yuan,pitched in Xijing`s prosperity culture,not only contributed to the propersity of the culture but also shaped the culture group which profited from the this periend`s the education and the rapid development of the region.More, uddhism, Taoism in the Jin Dynasty Xijing prosperity, Xijing temple economy developed, Datong Huayan Temple, Shuozhou Chongfu temple is a famous temple. Many minority nationa`s characteristics and imprinted left away,from the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Galerkin period in Datong Xianbei, Khitan, Jurchen capital, minori


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