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摘 要 能源问题是未来世界难以避免的,不可再生的能源资源日益枯竭,可再生能源、低碳经济的发展势在必行。人类面临化石燃料如石油,煤炭枯竭的严重威胁。无限的太阳能作为一种新的能源储备,具有使用清洁、经济等方面的优势.?但太阳能具有低密度,不断变化的缺点,这使得当前的太阳能利用设备推广率并不高。太阳能自动跟踪装置,解决了太阳能效率不高等问题。在此文中,太阳能跟踪系统主要由机械部分、控制系统组成。 第一,机械部分的设计: 机械部分主要是水平方向和竖直方向二维运动云台,其中包括机壳、传动方式的选择,内部结构设计等。当光线有偏差时,控制器发出信号来驱动步进电机,通过齿轮传动,实现水平方向跟踪 ;同时驱动齿轮、蜗杆蜗轮实现太阳能电池板在垂直方向上下转动,通过步进电机1,2联合动作实现太阳能跟踪。 第二,控制部分的设计: 主要包括太阳光强、方位传感器,信号转换电路,单片机系统和电机驱动电路。在分析几种主要跟踪模式的基础上,系统采用光电检测跟踪模式实现对太阳能的跟踪, 并增加了独立的光强传感器来确定是否启用跟踪系统。太阳方位角传感器光敏器件选用光敏电阻,两对相同的光敏电阻放置在电池板四个方向的边缘处。当相对的两个光敏电阻接收到的光照强度不同时,通过比较运算放大电路发出信号送入单片机,驱动步进电机,实现太阳能电池板对准太阳。为节电,当程序检测到光强达到一定值时才开始跟踪,低于实验设定值时停止跟踪,降低了电机频繁工作造成的损耗。在夜间则自动关闭电源。 实验结果表明了所设计系统的有效性。 关键词:太阳能,跟踪,光敏电阻,单片机,步进电机 Dual-axis solar tracking system Abstract The worlds energy problems are difficult to avoid in the future , non-renewable energy resources are depleted , renewable energy , low-carbon economy is imperative. Mankind is facing a serious threat of fossil fuels:such as oil , coal depletion . Unlimited solar energy as a new energy reserves , with the feature of clean , economic and other aspects of the advantages . Solar energy has a low density , but the disadvantage is constantly changing, which makes use of solar energy equipment to promote the current rate is low . Solar automatic tracking device to solve the problem of low efficiency of solar energy. In this context , the solar tracking system consists of mechanical parts and the control system. First, the mechanical part of the design: Mechanical part is a two-dimensional horizontal and vertical movement device , including the chassis, select the transmission mode , the internal structure of the design. When the light is a deviation , the controller sends a signal to drive a stepper motor through a gear drive to achieve horizontal track ; While driving gears, worm drive solar panels rotate up and down in the vertical direction , the joint action realization of solar tracking by the stepper motor 1,2. Second, the design of the control section : Includin


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