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It’s going to be strange and new to him for a while, so I wish you would sort of treat him gently.在一段时间里,他会感到陌生和新鲜。我希望你能对他温柔一些。 You see, up to now, he’s been king of the roost and the boss of the backyard.你知道,直到现在,他还一直都是家里的小皇帝,后院的霸主。 It takes faith, love, and courage to live his life in the world he has to live in.要在他必须生存的世界里生活,需要信念、爱和勇气。 So, I wish you would take him by his young hand and teach him the things he needs to know.因此,世界,我希望你能牵着他的小手,教给他必须知道的事情。 Teach him that for every bad man, there is a hero; that for every irresponsible politician, there is a devoted leader; that for every enemy, there is a friend.教他知道,世界上有一个恶棍,就有一个英雄;有一个奸诈的政客,就有一个富于奉献精神的领袖;有一个敌人,就有一个朋友 Teach him that it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.教他知道失败远比欺骗值得尊重。 Teach him gently, World, but don’t spoil him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel.请温柔地教导他吧,世界,但不要放纵他,因为只有烈火才能炼出真金。 It was rush hour and thousands of people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. 此时正值上班高峰期,上千人从地铁站穿梭,他们大多是在上班途中。 Finally the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time.后来妈妈用力推他快走,他这才继续迈步前行,并一直转身往后看。 10、During the 45 minutes the violinist played, only seven people stopped and stayed for a while. 小提琴手演奏了45分钟,期间只有七人驻足停留片刻。 11、When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed.演奏结束,一片寂静,没有人注意到这些。 12、No one applauded, nor was there any recognition. 没有人鼓掌,也没有任何赞赏。 13、No one knew that the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the best musicians in the world.没有人知道这个小提琴手就是世界最优秀的音乐家之一——约书亚·贝尔。 14、If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing some of the best music ever written, how many other beautiful things are we missing? 假如我们连驻足倾听世界顶级音乐家演奏最美妙乐曲的空闲都没有,我们又会错过多少美好的事物呢? 50、I asked him why he helped me.我问他为什么要帮助我。 15、The doctors at the hospital did many tests on me and discovered that part of my legs had to be cut off. 医生给我做了很多检查,认为我的腿有一部分必须截掉。 16、Afterward, I wanted to do something to help


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