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MBA英语短语:【MBA加油站 】 allow for的中文翻译:动词讲解:   1.考虑到,体谅   2.允许有,留出,给予   同义词:allow,leave,provide;   allow for的英语解释:   make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain   相关短语:   allow cell drag and drop v.[计]允许单元拖放   Allow Close When Active 允许关闭活动窗口   Allow Fast Paste 允许快速粘贴   Allow Fast Saves 允许快速保存   allow for v. 1.考虑到,体谅 2.允许有,留出,给予   allow full play to v.使充分活动   allow of 容许,许可   allow a worker act as a cadre 以工代干   allow clearance 容许间隙,许用余隙   allow for grinding 磨加工裕量   allow for的例句:   1.Never allow your husband to take a trip to that city. There are a jillion street walkers there.   千万别让你的丈夫到那个城市去出差,那里的妓女多得不得了。   2.Im afraid it goes against the usual commercial practice not to allow a commission.   不给佣金恐怕有悖于商业惯例吧。   3.Allow flexibility in the policy and enliven the economy   放开搞活。   4.Please allow me to express my warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming form afar   请允许我向远道而来的贵宾表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候。   5.This will allow their offspring to pass down precious heritage and traditions from generation to generation. 以期让生活在异国他乡的子子孙孙也能世世代代延续华族的宝贵文化遗产和优良传统。 ad hoc的翻译解析:   adj.1. 临时安排的;特别的;专门的   adv.1. 临时安排地;特别地;专门地   ad hoc的英语解释:   for one specific case   for or concerned with one specific purpose   often improvised or impromptu   相关短语:   ad arbitrium adv.随意地,独断地   ad finem adv.最后   ad hoc adj. 1. 临时安排的;特别的;专门的 adv. 1. 临时安排地;特别地;专门地   ad hominem adv.从个人偏好出发   ad infinitum adv.无限   ad interim adv.暂时   ad libitum adv.随意   ad nauseam adv.令人作呕地   ad rem adv.中肯   ad valorem adv.按价   ad hoc的例句:   An ad hoc committee is a committee set up to study a particular problem.   专门委员会(为研究某一专门问题成立起来的委员会)。   Television broadcasting companies often organize ad hoc fund-raising programs to bring swift aid to people in disaster areas.   电视广播公司通过组织募捐节目为灾区人民争取尽快的支持。   OSHA is authorized to appoint ad hoc advisory committees in developing



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