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摘 要 当今信息化和互联网迅猛发展,新兴媒体与传统媒体都在强调要以视觉传播为核心。图象信息已不再是版面布局的附件,而成为媒体的重要信息的组件之一。读者阅读图像需求变得越来越迫切,此外,他们正在付出越来越多的关注图像的质量。这意味着,视觉传播的背景下,图像编辑正面临着新的压力和挑战。因此笔者认为,对视觉传播时代下的图片编辑的职业素养研究也就显得更加迫切和必要。 本文通过视觉传播时代分析图像在传播中的优势;同时,从研究国内外编辑的发展出发,并告诉新媒体的发展过程中众所周知的图像编辑的思路和方法对图片在版面的地位的影响;目的为学习图片编辑在新闻摄影中的定位,总结出图片编辑所应具备的能力;进而来证明在视觉传播时代,关于图片编辑的工作职能,新时代下媒体对图片编辑其能力和素质的要求是不同的。 关键词; ABSTRACT With today’s rapidly development of informationization and the Internet, both new media and traditional ones emphasize visual communication as core. Image information has no longer been the accessory of layout, but become one of the important information components of media. Readers’demands for reading image are becoming more and more urgent. Also, they are paying more and more attention to the quality of image. This means that under the background of visual communication, image editing is facing the new pressures and challenges. Therefore, the author holds the view that it is obviously urgent and necessary to study the professional quality of image editing. This dissertation will analysis the advantages of image in spread. Meantime, starting from studying the development of editing at home and abroad, and telling how the ideas and methods of the well-known image editing influence the position in the layout of image during the process of the development of new media, for the purpose of studying the position of image editing in news photography and concluding the ability that image editing should possess. And then, by using the change of image editor’s function under the background of visual communication, we can prove that the new media’s under requirements for ability and the quality of the image editor are different under the background of visual communication. KEY WORDS: visual communication ; Photo Editor ; professionalism 前言 研究目的与意义 在图片编辑的工作悄然发生变化的今天,其职能发生了从“被动”向“主动”的改变,其地位也随着视觉传播时代的到来开始备受重视。仰仗于先进的互联网技术,图片编辑能接触到了更多而且更为丰富的图片和文字资源,在信息爆炸和计算机网络的飞速蔓延的今天,他们运筹帷幄般为整个版面空间的布局提供帮助。面对视觉传播的滚滚浪潮,图片信息已不再沦为版


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