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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 子午线轮胎模具设计 专业代码: 机械制造及其自动化 作者姓名: 赵树康 学 号: 201133011053 单 位: 机械设计制造及其自动化 指导教师: 戴宝山 2013年5月17日 摘要 课题首先对现在流行的CAD/CAM技术及其优越性进行了简单介绍,而UG是CAD/CAM软件的代表,具有工程制图、三维造型、机构分析、动画仿真等强大功能,所以本文对UG的功能在模具制造中的应用进行了研究、分析。最后分别介绍了在CAD/CAM技术下模具制造的三大块,结构、花纹以及刻字。 关键词 Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of the automotive industry and a significant increase in car ownership, making cars increasingly close links with the peoples life, traffic safety issues are increasingly prominent. Increase in car accidents caused by the loss of life and property damage, have become a social problem that cannot be ignored. Automobile safety is very important. Automobile safety design as a whole takes into account, in the time of the accident to minimize the chance of occupant injuries, so the passive safety of vehicles and related equipment increased by the majority of the people of concern. So we need a special type of brake lights, more intuitive, more visual impact of the brake signal to remind the rear vehicle drivers identify emergency stop or slow brake in a timely manner, so as to more effectively reduce vehicle collision occurs. This device is designed by brake pedal travel, which make multiple high brake rear lanterns lit and extinguished one by one, its working principle is mainly driven by the brake pedal pressure sensors transmit electrical signals, by single-chip computer to receive and process signals, thus decided to connect or disconnect the brake lights set, multiple high brake rear lanterns lit and extinguished one by one, final warning reached the rear of vehicle drivers. Keywords: traffic safety; brake lights; pressure sensor; brakes and slow brake 目 录 第1章 绪论 5 1.1 子午线轮胎简介及其特点 1.2 模具CAD/CAM技术及其优越性 1.3 UG/GRIP介绍 第2章 子午线轮胎模具结构设计和装配 6 2.1 模具结构设计要求 2.1.1子午线轮胎模具结构设计技术要求 2.1.2 模具的选材 2.1.3 模具的设计特


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