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0.75型卷扬机设计 摘 要 卷扬机又称绞车。是起重垂直运输机械的重要组成部分,配合井架、桅杆、滑轮组等辅助设备,用来提升物料、安装设备等作业,由人力或机械动力驱动卷筒、卷绕绳索来完成牵引工作的装置。垂直提升、水平或倾斜曳引重物的简单起重机械。分手动和电动两种。现在以电动卷扬机为主。本设计采用了新型的制动电机,节省了制动器,使得结构更加紧凑,提高了安全可靠系数,这也是机械行业的一个发展趋势。其主要结构组成还有,减速器、联轴器、卷筒。 本次设计的步骤是从钢丝绳开始入手,然后依次对卷扬机的卷筒、卷筒心轴、制动电动机、减速器的设计计算选取。其中卷筒、卷筒轴、减速器的设计最为主要,本设计重点做了介绍,其余部分有得只是略作分析。 本次设计的卷筒机由于它结构简单、搬运安装灵活、操作方便、维护保养简单、对作业环境适应能力强等特点,可以应用于冶金起重、建筑、水利作业等方面。提升重物是卷扬机的一种主要功能,各类卷扬机的设计都是根据这一要求为依据的。 关键词:卷扬机,制动电机,卷筒,卷筒轴,减速器 The design of 0.75construction winches Author: Li Lei Tutor: Kang Hongwei Abstract Also known the hoist another name is winch. Vertical lifting transport machinery is an important component of the tie in with the derrick, mast, pulley blocks, and auxiliary equipment, used to enhance the materials, installation of equipment operations, from human or mechanical power-driven drum, winding traction rope to complete the installation work. Two types of the hoist are manual and electric two kinds. and Now to the main electric winch. The design of the 5-ton electric hoist motor contions electromotor 、coupling、arrester、retarder、drum、boom sheave 、a system of pulleys set、hook, etc. This design of hoist is start from the wire rope, and next then turn on the winch drum, drum spindle, motor, gear reducer, speed reducer shaft, brakes, couplings and pulley drum machine-oriented design and selection. On drum, drum shaft, drum hub, most major reducer design, the design are focus introduced, and the rest is just a little something for analysis. The design of the drum machine because of its simple structure, handling the installation of a flexible, convenient operation, simple maintenance, and operating environment features such as adaptability, can be applied to lifting metallurgical, construction, operations and other water conservancy, but the design mainly applied to the drum machine for 5-ton overhead crane hoisting mechanism. Heavy winch upgrade is one of the main functions of the design of various types of winches are based on b


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