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Neck(颈部) 颈部解剖及生物力学 Task allocation 任务分配 Neck颈部 Cervical vertebra 颈椎(郭非) Movement direction运动 方向(李维) 2. Neck muscles 颈部肌肉(刘孟媛) 5.Neck movement 颈部运动度(唐佳君) 3. Cervical nerve 颈部神经(陈锋) Cervical vertebra A completed cervical vertebrae consist of seven vertebrae. Cervical vertebrae e.g.: the first vertebrae, the other name is atlas. The second vertebrae, the other name is axis. Seven vertebras The third /fourth/fifth/sixth vertebrae The prominent vertebrae , the other name is seventh vertebrae Seven vertebras Neck muscles Neck muscles (颈部肌肉) 颈前肌 Tongue on bone muscle group 舌骨上肌群 Tongue under the bone muscle group舌骨下肌群 颈浅肌与颈外侧肌 Platysma 颈阔肌 pull down the quarrel Sternocleidomastoid 胸锁乳突肌 make head lateral flexion 颈深肌 Scalenus斜角肌 Make neck proneness Advanced vertebral muscles椎前肌 Bowed head and neck Cervical nerve 颈部神经 . Cervical nerve 颈部神经 Cervical plexus 颈丛神经 Cervical nerve 颈部脑神经 Neck sympathetic nerve 颈部交感神经 1.颈丛神经 (1)Lesser occipital nerve (枕小神经) (2)Greater occipital nerve (枕大神经) (3)Cervical nerve (颈皮神经) (4)Supraclavicular nerve (锁骨上神经) (5)Phrenic nerve (膈神经)Cranial nerve 2.颈部脑神经 (1)Glossopharyngeal nerve (舌咽神经) (2)Vagus nerve(迷走神经) (3)Accessory nerve (副神经) (4)Hypoglossal nerve (舌下神经) 3.颈部交感神经 Neck sympathetic nerve ( 颈部交感神经) Parasympathetic nerve (副交感神经) Sympathetic nerve (交感神经) Spinal nerve from the intervertebral foramen piercing, in spinal and combined to form the cervical plexus and brachial plexus.Cervical plexus is composed of 4 cervical spinal nerve, respectively form the lesser occipital nerve, nerve, cervical cutaneous nerve, supraclavicular nerve and phrenic nerve.Most of their sensory nerve innervation, occipital and neck, shoulder and chest of the skin feeling.Phrenic nerve also dominate the diaphragm movement. 脊神经自椎间孔穿出后,在椎管外又结合形成颈丛神经和臂丛神经。颈丛神经由上4个颈脊神经组成,分别形成枕小神经、就大神经、颈皮神经、锁骨上神经及膈神经。其大部为感觉神经,支配头枕部及颈前后部、胸肩部的皮肤感觉。膈神经还支配着膈肌的运动。 The direction of movement of the neck Flexibility is the largest. Act



