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停车场常用英语口语50句 一、问候 1、您好。 Hello 2、早上好、下午好、晚上好。 Good morning ! Good afternoon ! Good evening! 3、欢迎光临。 Welcome to come here 4、很高兴为您服务。 I’m very happy to service for you 5、再见,欢迎您下次再来。 Goodbye , welcome to come here again. 6、祝您一路顺风。 I hope you have a good trip . 7. 明天见。 See you tomorrow. 二、指路 1、我想去XX地方怎么走?请您沿道路前行500米。 How can I get to the X ? please go straight this road for about five hundred meters. 2、我想找个车位停车?请您前方右(左)转到下一层车库停车。 I want to find a parking space , please go straight and turn right (left) to go to the downstairs 3、请您使用X号电梯便可到达。 You can take the elevator X to reach that place. 4、我怎么才能出去?请您从X出口沿楼梯上行即可到达。 How can I go outside? Please go to the exit X and go upstairs . 5、今天的演出内容是XX,在XX号演出场馆。 Today’s performance is XX , 三、时间 1、请问现在几点了?上午10点。 What’s the time, please? Ten a.m 2、演出什么时间开始,45分种后演出开始。 When will the performance begin? It will begin in 45 minutes 3、我停车用了多长时间?您停车用了1个半小时。 How long of my car parking ? you take one and a half hour 4、今天是星期几?今天是星期二。 What day is it today ? It’s Tuesday today. 5、今天是春节,祝您新年快乐。 It’s spring festival today, happy new year! 四、天气 1、外面下雨了,如果您需要用雨具请到服务台登记领取。 It’s raining outside, if you need raincoats or umbrellas, register at the free help desk 2、今天天气不错。 It’s a fine day today 3、外面雪天路滑请小心驾驶车辆 It’s slippery outside, please take care of driving. 五、服务 1、请您自觉缴费 Please pay for the parking fee self- consiciously 给你。 Here you are. 2、请您出示车辆出入证。 Please show me the in and out certificate of your car 3、请您将车停放到位。 Please park your car in the right place. 4、请锁好车门,保管好车内的贵重物品。 Please lock your car and take good care of valuable things in your car. 5、您的车辆如有特殊服务要求,请告知我们并办理相关手续。 If you have some special requests, please tell us and conduct relevant procedures. 6、您的车辆外部有划痕,请在值班记录上签字确认,谢谢合作。 Your car has some marks outside ,please sign on the guide record to confirm, thank you for cooperation 7、您的停车费是40元,请用人民币结算。 Your car parking fee is 40 yuan, please settle it in RMB 8、对


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