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功放及其静音控制电路的设计 摘要 现今,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,音响在人们生活中的运用越加普遍,而功放,作为音响的一部分,也得到了广泛的运用。因为人们对音乐的要求各不相同,运用于各种不同场合的音响也就应运而生,这也就产生了各种不同的功放。 虽然功放有很多的种类,但是其基本原理都是相通的。所以他们产生的问题也都是相似的,比如开关机的时候有噪声产生,当电压不稳定的时候会有噪声或者是断音产生,还有就是一些正常工作的时候的一些高频噪声,低频噪声等一些诸如此类的问题,这严重影响人们对音乐的欣赏。 本课题主要是按照电子琴对功放的一系列要求来设计一款功放,在这款功放中通过三极管和电容达到降低开关机时产生的噪声,达到静音控制的目的。通过运放来提高信号幅度和进行高低音信号大小的控制,通过功放芯片提高输出的信号的驱动能力。高低频噪声则是通过选择合适的电容和电阻进行滤波来解决的,以求能够提高功放输出的声音质量,满足人们对功放的需求。 关键词:功放; 静音控制; 滤波器 THE circuit of amplifier and mute control Abstract Today, with the improvement of people’s living standards, the audio have a more widely used in people’s lives. The Power Amplifier, as one part of the audio, also has a widely used. Because in deferent environment, people has deferent requirements to the audio, so the power amplifier can also has a great lot of different types. Though the power amplifier has many types, but the power amplifier’s principle is only has a little deferent. So the power amplifiers has almost same question, like the noise during the power on and off, the staccato and the noise for the voltage change and the high-frequency noise or the low-frequency noise. Those problem cause A serious impact on people when they are enjoy the music. This design of the Power Amplifier is according to a series of keyboard’s requirements. In order to realize goal of reduce the noise during the power on and off, solve the staccato and reduce the high-frequency noise and the low-frequency noise. This design through the amplifier to improve the signal and achieve the control of bass and treble. The high and low frequency noise is solved by right capacitors and resistors .In order to improve the quality of sound from the amplifier and meet people’s requirements to the sound. Key words: Power amplifier Mute control Wave Filter 第1章 绪论 1 1.1课题的设计背景及发展趋势 1 1.2 目前功放设计中的热点与难点 3 1.3 课题研究的目的和意义 3 第2章 系统方案的总体设计 5 2.1 功放设计常见参数介绍 5 2.2 功放设计要求 7 2.3 系统方案设计 8 2.4 功能模块所用器件 9 第3章 功放设计常用电路简介 10 3.1基本线性放大电路 10


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