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描述人的personalities的一些词 cynical(愤世嫉俗的,玩世不恭的) Adj. seeing little or no good in other people, believing that people do good things for bad reasons eccentric(古怪的;偏执的) Adj. having strange, unusual or abnormal habits or tastes (This term is less insulting than strange, weird or bizarre.) egotistical(自我本位的, 任性的) Adj. thinking too highly of oneself, considering oneself better than others imaginative(富于想象的) Adj. creative, having much imagination indecisive(优柔寡断的) Adj. unable to decide quickly, not knowing what choice to make picky(过分讲究的,吹毛求疵的) Adj. hard to please, too careful in choosing something sensible(明智的; 有判断力的) Adj. practical, reasonable, something that makes sense sensitive(敏感的,感情脆弱的;易受伤害的) Adj. easily feels emotion, easily hurt emotionally (can be positive or negative) sophisticated(老练的, 久经世故的) Adj. representing high culture, very experienced in life? thoughtful(有思想性的, 体贴的) Adj. often doing things to make other people feel good ? Positive(褒义): warm and friendly nice, pleasant generous(happy to give/share) optimistic(=think positively) cheerful(happy and smiling) relaxed and easygoing sensitive(敏感的) kind honest hardworking punctual(always on time)(守时的) reliable clever flexible(指人)能适应环境的 ambitious(有雄心的) talkative humorous(幽默的) ?Negative(贬义): cold and unfriendly horrible, unpleasant mean/stingy pessimistic miserable tense(nervous)(紧张的) insensitive unkind dishonest lazy not very punctual, always late unbelievable(不可靠的) stupid inflexible unambitious(无野心的,无名利心的) quiet easygoing -a person who doesnt worry much or get angry easily independent -a person who doesnt usually ask other people for helpmodest -people who dont make a big deal about their accomplishments moody -someone who is often in a bad mood or depressed opinionated -someone who expresses very strong beliefs about things sociable -a person who enjoys being with other people stingy -someone who doesnt like giving things to other people unreliable -people who dont do what they say they will


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