二语习得 支架理论与英语教学 论文-新.doc

二语习得 支架理论与英语教学 论文-新.doc

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杭州师范大学 研究生学位课程试题及答卷 二级学院 外国语学院 专 业 学科教学 研究生姓名 陈缪娜 学 号 2013110404 考试课程名称 二语习得 授课时间 2014.2-2014.6 周学时数 2 学分数 2 评 语 考核论题* Views on Second Language Acquisition 成绩 平时成绩 任课教师签名: 年 月 日 考试成绩 总评成绩 注:1、本封面由任课教师填写,并与考试试题、答卷一起装订,写完评语后二周(以论文形式考试的一个月)内交二级学院研究生秘书。由研究生秘书做好成绩登记,在学期结束前,将单科成绩登记表交校研究生处。 2、*栏,以撰写论文为考核形式的填写;综合考试可不填。 3、学位课程总评成绩须以百分制计分。 4、考试答题一律使用研究生处统一印刷的“研究生课程考试答题纸”。 Views on Second Language Acquisition We know that SLA is a fairly recent acronym and stands for the term “Second Language Acquisition. It has two meanings. First, according to Johnson, it refers to the processes by which people learn or acquire languages in addition to their native tongue. Second, it refers to the study of these processes. It is an independent field in its own right because it has its own object of study such as language learning and learners, its own scientific system of theories or methodologies and its own researchers. It is an interdisciplinary discipline in that it not only draws upon theories from a single science, but from several sciences such as sociology and psychology. SLA is both an applied science and an empirical science, as its objective is to solve practical problems in language learning and it uses experiments and quantitative and qualitative data for language research. If we learn SLA well, we can better understand and explain the complicated process of language learning and unravel the mysteries of language acquisition. They can also apply SLA research and research findings in SLA and teaching, so as to lay a good foundation for our future work, teaching English as a second language (TESL) or foreign language (TEFL). There are a lot of branches in SLA. Here, I want to talk about one theory-- Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). Vygotsky believes that there is a distinction between students’ actual levels and potential levels of development which forms the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) as: …the distanc


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