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Introduction to Global Economic Environment Jiang Yu 课程介绍 本课程为商务英语专业的专业基础课程,目的在于培养学生既能熟练掌握语言技能、具有扎实语言功底和交际能力,又能通晓国际经贸知识和规范,从而形成集系统商务学科知识、英语语言知识、跨文化交际能力和商务操作技能于一体的复合型国际商务英语人才。 该门课程主要采取教师教授辅助于案例讨论和学生自学的方式,共计32个学时, 2个学分,为考试课程,采取闭卷、百分制形式。试卷成绩占总评成绩的70%,平时成绩占总评成绩的30%。其中平时成绩由作业成绩、出勤情况、课堂表现等几部分构成。 主要教材及参考书目: 参考书籍: 1、《西方经济学》,高鸿业 主编,2007年4版,中国人民大学出版社 2、《经济英语》 刘赛力,中国人民大学出版社 3、《经济英语》陈建平,(美)肖梅克 主编,2009年,苏州大学出版社 Contents Part 1 Managing the Economy Part 2 The Framework of World Trade Part 3 International Monetary Relations Part 4 Global Competitive Environment Part 5 Other Relevant Environment Part 1 Managing the Economy Economic history tells us that the economy never grows smoothly. Macroeconomic policy has the following objectives: A reasonable rate of economic growth; High employment; Stable price; Satisfactory balance of payments; Equilibrium and an equitable distribution of income. Chapter 1 Measuring Economic Success Chapter overview An ideal market economy is one in which all goods and services are voluntarily exchanged for money at market prices. Such a system squeezes the maximum benefits out of a society ’ s available resources without government intervention. The government has three roles: Correct market failures; Redistribute income; Achieve economic success. Objectives of Macroeconomic Policy Economic Growth: nominal and real GDP( GNP, DI, etc.) High Employment: The unemployed Unemployment Rate= The labor force Stable Price: CPI2-CPI1 Inflation Rate= CPI1 1.Economic growth and its measurement Gross domestic product (GDP) is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a year. GNP is the total output produced with labor or capital owned by the residents of a country during a year ,while GDP is the output produced with labor and capital located inside a country during a year . 最终产品和中间产品 GNP与GDP的区别 There are two ways to measure GDP: Nominal GDP is measure


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