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对外贸易依存度:反映一国对外贸易与该国国民经济之间关系的重要指标,它一般表现为一国的对外贸易额与该国的国民生产总值或国内生产总值之比 Degree of Dependence upon Foreign Trade: It is the ratio between Trade Value and GDP. It shows the importance of foreign trade to the domestic economy in a nation.. 贸易结构:某一时期贸易的构成情况。货物贸易和服务贸易的构成情况(广义)。各种商品的构成情况(狭义) Composition of Trade:It provides information on the percentage of goods and services in the trade. 贸易额:以金额表示的贸易总值 Value of Trade:It provides the total value on export and import to a nation or the total value on export to the world. It is accounted on the basic of instant price. 贸易量:用于货物贸易规模的统计。以数量、重量、长度、面积、体积来表示进出口商品的多少。 Quantum of Trade: It provides the total value on export and import to a nation or the total value on export to the world. But It is accounted on the basic of price index. 贸易所得:一国的行业间相对劳动生产率不同会在不同的产品生产中进行专业化分工,并且把产品与其他国家进行贸易而获得利益,这就是一国的贸易所得。 Gains from trade:different industries may carry through professional specialization in producing different commodities based on relative productivity, and trade them with other countries to gain profits. 绝对优势:生产某种商品的机会成本低,或者反过来说,生产某种商品的劳动生产率最高。 Absolute advantage: The greater efficiency that one nation may have over another in the production of a commodity. 比较优势:一个国家在本国生产一种产品的机会成本(用其他产品来衡量)低于在其他国家生产该产品的机会成本 Comparative advantage:Even if one nation is less efficient than the other nation in the production of both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade. One country producing a commodity in a lower opportunity cost than the other country is called it has a comparative advantage in this commodity. 要素密集度:产品中生产要素的投入比例。 Factor intensity: It refers to the production of one unit of a product used a combination of factors of production ratio. 要素丰裕度:一个国家所拥有的经济资源的相对丰富性/相对供给量。 Factor abundance: It is a measure of a country owned by the relative abundance of economic resources, or resources of a country relative supply 贸易条件:一国出口商品的国际市场价格Px与该国进口商品的国际市场价格Pm的比率。 Terms of Trade: In economics, the ratio of ex


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