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多元文化背景下的学校文化建设school cultural construction of multicultural background 多元文化是指由东方文化与西方文化、 传统文化与现代文化等不同种族的异质文化以及不同时空范围的文化所构成的系统multicultural is the system that consists of oriental and western culture ,traditional and modern culture with the difference of the cultures from different races 文化的多元发展是文化发展的必然道路the development of multicultural is the only way to culture ,文化的多样性和丰富性是维护文化生态的前提the diversity and richness of culture is the premise of keeping the balance of culture,失去了这个前提就不会有文化的繁荣和发展。If we lose the premise ,we won’t get the prosperity and development of culture 一、 培养能走向世界的高素质的中国人是现代学校文化建设的总目标it is our modernized school cultural construction general aim to develop educated Chinese people who can master advanced technology 在现代社会中,多元文化的冲突、融合与价值选择已经成为每一个民主开放国家面临的重要问题in our nowadays society ,the conflict of multicultural ,integration and the choice of values has been the main problem that all we have to face ,我国学校面临着更为复杂的文化生态环境our schools are faced with more complicated cultural circumstances。其中,传统文化与现代文化、东方文化与西方文化、主流文化与非主流文化、本土文化与外来文化的矛盾冲突,使学校面临着复杂的文化价值选择among them , the conflicts between traditional culture and modern culture ,oriental culture and western culture ,mainstream culture and unmainstream culture makes our school faced with the choice of values 。 面对世界范围内各种思想文化的互相激荡,必须把弘扬和培育民族精神作为先进文化建设极为重要的任务in the face of the worldwide different cultural impact ,we must concentrate on the building up our national culture and spirit . And let it our first task 。 当然of course ,建设先进文化,仅仅依靠中国的传统文化还不够in order to develop advanced culture ,it isn’t enough only to depend on our Chinese traditional culture,还要高瞻远瞩,放眼世界,以全球眼光来看待、审视文化问题we need to broaden our sight to look at our cultural construction,要以厚德载物的博大胸怀,兼容并蓄、海纳百川we need to be generous and learn to take in other cultures ,充分汲取世界上各民族的智慧和人类文明迄今为止所取得的一切优秀成果especially we should absorb the wisdom and all the achievements of the whole world。 学校文化是一所学校的精神生命和灵魂school culture is the spirit