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泰 山 学 院 本科毕业论文 Linux 所 在 学 院 信息科学技术学院 专 业 名 称 计算机科学与技术 申请学士学位所属学科 工 学 年 级 二〇一〇级 学生姓名、学号 韩德田 2010070138 指导教师姓名、职称 张岩 讲师 完 成 日 期 2014年5月 摘 要 随着互联网技术的不断发展与普及,人们对网络的需求正在不断的增强,甚至已经达到了生活中离不开网络的地步。 在飞速发展的互联网时代,企业的单服务器模式已不能承受大并发的数据访问,负载均衡服务器集群应运而生。然而,企业的很多服务需要24小时不间断的运行,任何服务的失效都可能造成灾难性的后果,因此,搭建高可用服务器集群已成为企业的重中之重。 本设计在充分考虑企业服务的基础之上,论述了如何在Linux下搭建一个高可用负载均衡的企业服务器集群环境。设计中企业的web服务器是采用的LAMP环境,Keepalived和LVS可以实现企业的高可用负载均衡web服务器集群,由于企业的数据存放在数据库中,为了减少单点故障造成数据库数据的损坏,利用MySQL双主机实现数据库的自动备份,通过MySQL-HA集群在数据库出现单点故障的情况下实现数据库的自动跳转。web服务器需要进行域名解析,设计中还搭建了DNS服务器。 关键词:高可用;负载均衡;集群;keepalived;LAMP;DNS ABSTRACT With the continuous development of Internet technology and popularization, people demand for network is constantly enhanced, even has reached the point of life is dependent on the network. In the era of rapid development of Internet, the enterprise of the single server mode has been unable to bear large concurrent data access, load balancing server cluster arises at the historic moment. However, many service enterprises need to run 24 hours a day, any service failure may cause disastrous consequences, as a result, build a high availability server cluster has become the key of the enterprise. This design on the basis of fully considering the enterprise service, it is discussed how to build a high availability under Linux load balancing server cluster environment of enterprises. Enterprise web server is used in the design of LAMP environment, Keepalived and LVS can realize the load balancing web server high availability cluster of enterprises, as a result of the enterprise data stored in the database, in order to reduce the single point of failure causes the damage of database data, using MySQL hosts realize the automatic backup of the database, through the MySQL - HA cluster under the condition of a single point of failure occurs in the da


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