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数据录入 选择数据 插入柱形图 输入标题 标题显示 插入折线散点图 显示折线散点图 坐标轴显示 修改Y坐标轴刻度 显示修改后的Y坐标轴刻度 修改坐标X轴刻度 显示修改后的X坐标轴刻度 修改分类间距 显示修改后的分类间距 显示隐藏次坐标轴数值X轴 去除网格线 更改颜色 显示不同颜色 标示数值 柏拉图 看看您能找出几处错误??? 合计 108.4 请您说说此柏拉图的错误! 柏拉图绘制的注意事项 项目确定应标明关键少数,否则应重新排列。 取样数据不易太少,至少应取50个数据。 分析柏拉图只要抓住前面4-5项原因即可。 分类项目不宜过多,5-7项较合适,最多不超过9项,分类项目超过9项,可划入“其他”,分类项目少于4项,做的柏拉图无实际意义。 其他项目一定要放在最后,一般不大于10%。 柏拉图绘制的注意事项 关键少数不绝对以80%累计比为准,一般为1-2项为宜,最多不超过3项,否则将失去“找出主要因素”的意义。 作成的柏拉图如果发现各项目分配比例差不多时,柏拉图失去意义,应从其他角度收集数据再分析。 柏拉图是管理改善的手段而非目的,如果数据类别已经很清楚,则无需花时间制作柏拉图。 柏 拉 图 制 作 演 示 谢 谢 聆 听 ! * The organization gets the total man Humanize the work i.e. Quality of work life is stressed and improved Brings out extra-ordinary qualities from ordinary people To display the human capabilities fully and eventually draw out infinite possibilities Prepares the employer and employees to meet the challenges of the changing time and conditions * The organization gets the total man Humanize the work i.e. Quality of work life is stressed and improved Brings out extra-ordinary qualities from ordinary people To display the human capabilities fully and eventually draw out infinite possibilities Prepares the employer and employees to meet the challenges of the changing time and conditions * The organization gets the total man Humanize the work i.e. Quality of work life is stressed and improved Brings out extra-ordinary qualities from ordinary people To display the human capabilities fully and eventually draw out infinite possibilities Prepares the employer and employees to meet the challenges of the changing time and conditions * The organization gets the total man Humanize the work i.e. Quality of work life is stressed and improved Brings out extra-ordinary qualities from ordinary people To display the human capabilities fully and eventually draw out infinite possibilities Prepares the employer and employees to meet the challenges of the changing time and conditions 护理质量管理工具的应用 王 晓 娟 品管圈培训(二) QCC七大手法 一、查检表 查检表(Check



