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美国二年级小学生学什么? 目录 I. 语言和文学 (Language and Literature) 二年纪学生的读、写 (Reading, Writing, and Your Second Grader) 给家长的说明 (A Note to Parents) 给家长和孩子的推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources for Parents and Children) 文学 (Literature) 引言 (Introduction) 诗歌 (Poetry) 夏日之床 (Bed in Summer by Robert Louis Stevenson) 野牛黄昏 (Buffalo Dusk by Carl Sandburg) 毛毛虫 (Caterpillars by Aileen Fisher) 蜜蜂!我在等你! (Bee! Im Expecting You! by Emily Dickinson) 不要杀生 (Hurt No Living Thing by Christina Rossetii) 发现 (Discovery by Harry Behn) 哈莉特·塔布曼 (Harriet Tubman by Eloise Greenfield) 林肯 (Lincoln by Nancy Turner) 圣诞前夜 (The Night Before Christmas, originally title A Visit from St. Nicholas by Clement C. Moore) 海贝 (Seashell by Federico Garcia Lorca) 野雁告诉 (Something Told the Wild Geese by Rachel Field) 鲁道夫厌倦了这座城市 (Rudolph Is Tired of the City by Gwendolyn Brooks) 聪明 (Smart by Shel Silverstein 谁看见过风? (Who Has Seen the Wind? by Christina Rossetti) 多风的夜晚 (Windy Nights by Robert Louis Stevenson) 有一个长胡子老人 (There Was an Old Man with a Beard by Edward Lear) 有位女人她的鼻子 (There Is a Young Lady, Whose Nose by Edward Lear) 故事 (Stories) 盲人摸象 (The Blind Men and the Elephant) 渔夫和他的妻子 (The Fisherman and His Wife) 对话 一个加纳传说 (Talk) 国王的新衣 (The Emperors New Clothes) 伊克托米是怎样失去双眼的 (How Iktomi Lost His Eyes) 神笔马良 (The Magic Paintbrush) 小气财神 (A Christmas Carol) 《夏绿蒂的网》第一章“早餐之前” (Before Breakfast from Charloues Web) 骆驼的驼背是怎么来的 (How the Camel Got His Hump) 漂亮鸟的羽毛 (El Pajaro Cu) 一个墨西哥民间传说 美女与野兽 (Beauty and the Beast) 被剪掉舌头的麻雀 (The Tongue-Cut Sparrow) 老虎,婆罗门和胡狼 (The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackal) (东升注:应为Brahmin,类似中国的东郭先生的故事) 文迪是如何见到小飞侠的 (How Wendy Met Peter Pan) 美国传说英雄的故事 (American Tall Tales) 保罗·班扬 (Paul Bunyan) 佩科斯· 比尔 (Pecos Bill) 约翰·亨利 (John Henry) 古希腊神话 (Myths from Ancient Greece) 英雄和鬼怪,神和女神 (Heroes and Monsters, Gods and Goddesses) 自然之神和神话人物 (Gods of Nature and Mythical Creatures) 普罗米修斯带来火,潘多拉带来不幸 (Prometheus Brings Fire, Pandora Brings Woe) 俄狄浦斯和狮身人面像 (Oedipus and the Sphinx) 忒修斯和弥诺陶洛斯 (Theseus and the Minotaur) 代达罗斯和伊卡洛斯 (Daedalus and Icarus)


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