修辞学Burke同一论 戏剧五位一体论.ppt

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IdentificationPersuasion 伯克把“劝说”与“同体”和“同一”等同起来,因为劝说是同一的结果。 You persuade a man only in so far as you can talk his language by his speech,gesture, tonality,order,image, attitude,ideas, identifying your ways with his.(1969:55) 通过同一来改变态度和诱导行为是伯克新修辞学思想的核心,通过这一概念他拓展了修辞学的定义。 Example: 当竞选者竞选某职位时, 知道听众反对对怀孕的妇女实施人工流产, 因此可以告诉他们: 你也同样反对人工流产, 这样通过在观点上与听众同一来赢得他们的选票。 No matter what they do is from their heart or not ,in so far their interests are joined,A is identified with B and A and Bs identification was established.So we can perform our persuasive act on the basis of achieved identification. Take Clintons speech in Beijing University for example, he cited the problems we face -the spread of weapons of mass destruction, the threats of organized crime and drug trafficking, of environmental degradation, and severe economic dislocation, as our common enemy though both countries have quite different social systems. Through such descriptions, he indirectly established identification with us, that is, as an effort toward achieving cooperation to fight against these problems. Identification by inaccuracy Identification by inaccuracy is often the most powerful way of identification deriving from situations in which it goes unnoticed.( Burke, 1972:28,cf.Foss,Foss,and Trapp,2002:193) When men drive cars, they always think they possess the ability of cars,in fact, they do not. They ladies who purchase the Lancome cosmetic products would like to gain identification unintentionally with the beautiful spokeswoman in the advertisement.They think they are as beautiful and fashionable as the star woman. 伯克的误同的观点提醒人们要审察自己的认知, 调整自己认知的误区。 Act 行为:在伯克眼中指任何有意识的或有目的的行为。因此, 任何动词, 不管它是多么具体或多么概括都充满了意识与目的, 这个动词能构成一个行为。 例如, 作一次演讲, 参加马拉松比赛, 画一幅油画都是象征性的行为, 都可以通过研究修辞者的动机来研究它们。 Scene 场景是行为发生的背景、处所或者场面。 e.g. “经济危机时期”、“ 1 月份在佛洛里达” 被选择的场景对于五位一体中的其它术语的选择有影响, 并且为分析设置了情景


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