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Procedure Number 程序编号 Rev. No 版本 Page 页码 1 of 14 Document Status: 文件: PRE/准备 CFC/执行 Reference procedure No./Rev./参考程序编号/版本: N/A不适用 (This column is modified only when the numbering rule of the Procedure is changed只有当程序编号规则发生变化时才修订此栏) Document Title文件名称: Structure Module Welding Procedure 结构模块焊接程序 Document Type/文件类型 :Procedure工作程序 Name Title 姓名及职务 Signature/Date 签名及日期 Approved by 批准 Prepared by 编制 职务:工程技术经理 Title:Project Technical Manager Reviewed by 审核 Signature/Date: 签名及日期 QA Reviewer QA审核 Translator 翻译 Translation reviewer译审 Copyright Declaration:版权声明 : This document is the property of the SNPEMC. It must not be used, reproduced, transmitted or disclosed without the prior written permission of SNPEMC。本程序未经山东核电设备制造有限公司书面批准不得外用、复制和泄露 Historical Records of Modification 版本Rev. 发布Issuance Date 修改及依据Scope and basis of modification 1 第一次发布1st issuance Table of Contents 目 录 1 Purpose目的 4 2 Applicable Scope适用范围 4 3 References参考文献 4 4 Preparation准备工作 4 4.1 Personnel Qualification人员资格 4 4.2 Preparation of Base Metal母材准备 4 4.3 Welding Material焊接材料 4 4.4 Technical Preconditions技术先决条件 5 5 Detailed Implementing Rules实施细则 5 5.1 Preparation before Welding焊前准备 5 5.2 Assembly of Working Pieces 工件装配 7 5.3 Fabrication Tolerance of Bevel坡口的制作公差 7 5.4 General Requirements for Welding焊接总体要求 7 5.5 Requirements of Welding Method焊接方法要求 9 5.6 Thermal Treatment after Welding 焊后热处理 11 5.7 Protective Gas and Flow保护气及其流量 11 5.8 Angle Weld角焊缝 11 5.9 Complete and Partial Through-welding Joint完全和部分焊透接头 12 6 Welding Inspection焊接检验 13 6.1 Appearance Inspection外观检查 13 6.2 NDE Inspection无损检测 13 7 Return of Welding for Repair焊接返修 14 8 Weld Identifier 焊缝标识 14 1 Purpose目的 The procedure defines the general regulations on welding of modules of Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd, so that the task stays in controlled status, and the welding of structure module is finished in conf


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