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哀兵必胜 an army burning with indignation is bound to win
哀鸿遍野 disaster victims moaning everywhere
挨家挨户 go from house to house
唉声叹气 heave deep signs (of grief, worry or anguish)
爱不释手 be so fond of sth. that one will not let it out of one’s hand
爱莫能助 be willing to help but unable to do so
爱屋及乌 love me, love my dog
爱憎分明 understand what to love and what to hate
碍手碍脚 be in the way
安邦定国 bring peace and stability to the country
安步当车 stroll over instead of riding in a carriage
安居乐业 live and work in peace and contentment
安如泰山 as solid as Mount Tai
安之若素 bear with equanimity
按兵不动 take no action
按部就班 keep to conventional ways of doing things
按劳分配 distribution according to work
按图索骥 deal with a matter in a mechanical way
按需分配 distribution according to need
暗渡陈仓 enter into a secret liaison
暗送秋波 make eyes at sb.
昂首阔步 stride proudly ahead
八九不离十 pretty close
八面玲珑 be smooth and slick
八面威风 an aura of awesome might
八仙过海各显神通 like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each one showing his or her special people
拔刀相助 take up the cudgels against an injustice
拔苗助长 spoil things by excessive enthusiasm
跋山涉水 scale mountains and ford streams
白璧微瑕 a slight defect in a person of integrity
白驹过隙 the time is fleeting
白日做梦 build castles in the air
白手起家 start from scratch
百尺竿头更进一步 further improve one’s work
百发百中 shoot with unfailing accuracy
百废俱兴 all that was left undone is now being undertaken
百花齐放百家争鸣 let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thoughts contend
百里挑一 one in a hundred; cream of the crop
百闻不如一见 seeing for oneself is better than hearing from others
百折不挠 keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks
稗官野史 books of anecdotes
班门弄斧 display one’s slight skill before an expert
半斤八两 two of a kind
半老徐娘 woman of fading charms
半路出家 switch to a job one was not trained for
宝刀不老 he is still at the height of his powers
饱经风霜 having had one’s fill of hardships
抱残守缺 be an anachronism
抱佛脚 make a hasty last-minute effort
抱头痛哭 cry on each other’s shoulders
暴殄天物 a reckless waste of the produc