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船舶电气专业综合知识 内容简述:本人于2010年6月毕业于江苏科技大学船电自动化专业,文中内容为本人初步工作两年来对工作的初期总结整理,由于工作年限和水平有限,文中内容仅供交流和参考。另内容不够详细或者说错误较多,请阅者带着怀疑的心态对待文中内容。如果方便,文中错误内容请指正批评。可通过下面QQ号联系本人,本人QQ号:617108559。 , c D- Q. O- @7 S STUDY NOTES OF ENGINE ROOM AUTOMATION SYSTEM Feb 29, 2012 总则: 船舶机舱自动化系统主要包括机舱监测报警系统,船舶主机遥控等,以用于减轻轮机员工作强度,为无人机舱提供安全保障。 GENERAL: Engine room automation system consists of engine alarm monitoring system and main engine remote control etc. The system can reduce labor intensity for engineer and unmanned engine room. 机舱集控台ECC供电电源:台内分为AC220V和DC24V供电,设有AC220V电源分配板和DC24V电源分配板。其中AC220V分电箱由主配电板和应急配电板两路电源供电,DC24V分电箱由集控台内AC220V分电箱经整流后供电,并由充放电板CDP提供一路供电电源。集控台内的电源基本用于给机舱监测和报警等重要设备提供可靠电源。 One AC220V power supply distribution panel one DC24V power supply distribution panel shall be installed in ECC in engine control room. AC220V power supply distribution panel power shall be supplied by MSB and ESB DC24V power supply distribution panel power shall be supplied by charge and discharge board (CDP) AC220V power supply distribution panel in ECC after rectification. Generally, reliable power set within the ECC used to supply alarm monitoring system and other important equipment. 集控台ECC上显示相关设备运行指示信号,此部分设备一般都为重要设备。举例如: The engine control console (ECC) to install running single light for the important equipments, such as: 燃油分油机运行;HFO purifier running; 滑油分油机运行;L.O. purifier running; 主空压机运行;Main air compressor running; 应急空压机运行;Emergency air compressor running; 空调压缩机运行;Air condition compressor running; 冷藏压缩机运行;PROV. compressor running; 此外还有很多设备的运行信号需要送至集控台ECC, And other necessary equipment; 许多传感器安装于重要设备(如主机,发电机,锅炉等)上,这些传感器及时迅速的将设备运行状态和参数传送到机舱集控台上,并通过检测得到的参数对相关设备部件进行及时控制,保证设备正常运行。 Many sensors are installed in the important equipments (such as main engine, Generator, Boiler etc.)??These sensors detect the equipments’ running data and send them to engine control console timely and accurate. Through the data obtained from sensors, which can control the equipment so as to ensure them under normal operation.


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