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NANCHANG UNIVERSITY 课 程 论 文 课 程: 微机电系统 学生姓名: 学 号: 课程教师: 荷叶表面超疏水性的研究及仿生 (南昌大学,机电工程学院,江西 南昌 330031) 引言:人们很早就知道荷叶表面“自清洁”效应,但是一直无法了解荷叶表面的秘密。直到20世纪90年代,德国的两个科学家首先用扫描电子显微镜观察了荷叶表面的微观结构,认为“自清洁”效应是由荷叶表面上的微米级乳突以及表面蜡状物共同引起的。其后江雷等人对荷叶表面微米结构进行深入分析,发现荷叶表面乳突上还存在纳米结构,这种微米与纳米结构同时存在的二元结构才是引起荷叶表面“自清洁”的根本原因。在化学模拟生物体系的研究中,超疏水性表面是近年来比较活跃的领域之一。研究超疏水性表面对深入认识自然界中具有疏水性植物和设计新的高效纳米薄膜具有重要的作用。同时它在工业生产和人们的日常生活中有着极其广阔的应用前景。例如,它可以用来防雪、防污染、防腐、抗氧化以及防止电流传导和自净等。 本文中关于超疏水表面微观形貌与润湿性能的关系进行研究,从微观角度对其性能的说明,介绍和评述构造微观形貌的构造或加工方法,并对该领域的发展进行了展望。 关键词:超疏水性;纳米结构;自清洁;仿生 Preparation and Research of Super Hydrophobic Surfaces (School of Mechatronics Engineering,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,China) Abstract:Super hydrophobic surfaces show good performance in self-cleaning and antifouling due to their micro and nano structures. Inspired by the similar structures in nature , such as lotus leaves , and butterfly wings , the focus of research in super hydrophobic materials is not only to mimic biological structures,but also to generate materials with flexibility in both structural design and material composition. The goal is to develop super hydrophobic materials that are robust and tolerant to high temperature or harsh environment. Such materials have broad applications in national defense, industrial process, agriculture, and health care. At the same time, it has a very wide application prospect in industrial production and peoples daily life. For example, it can be used to prevent snow, pollution prevention, anti-corrosion and prevent the current conduction and self purification. This paper will introduce the principle of super hydrophobic material and the synthesis of such materials. Recent research and future application of such materials will also he discussed in the paper. Key words: super hydrophobic;nano structure;self-cleaning;bioinspired 1. 超疏水原理及表面特性 根据水在固体表面的浸润程度,固体可以分为亲水性和疏水性,所谓超疏水(憎水)表面一般是指与水的接触角大于150度



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