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毕业论文所在学院:化学与材料工程学院课题名称:弹性乳液的合成及应用研究班级:精细1311学生姓名:钱兵指导教师:刘桂云2016年1月11日摘要伴随着世界工业的迅猛发展,环境污染和资源短缺问题变得日益严重。在建筑用涂料方面,伴随着许多国家制定的减少涂料可挥发组分(VOC)的相关法规,环保型水性乳胶漆正逐渐取代传统的溶剂型涂料,因而新型绿色环保涂料的研究近年来倍受各国科学家和涂料企业的关注。而以水为溶剂,利用乳液聚合的方法制备改性类丙烯酸酯弹性乳液也成为了人们研究的热门课题之一。核/壳乳液是先用一种单体进行常规的乳液聚合,制得种子乳液,然后向单体形成的种子乳液中加入引发剂和其他单体,继续进行乳液聚合,最终得到核壳结构的 PUA复合乳液。PUA复合核/壳乳液分为“硬核软壳”和“软核硬壳”。其中,“硬核软壳”是以较硬的 PA 单体聚合物为核,较软的 PU为壳的聚合物;“软核硬壳”的构成则恰恰相反。核壳结构的 PUA复合乳液的耐磨性、耐候性、耐水性和抗张强度均有较好的改善。本论文对聚氨酯交联和核壳乳液聚合法制备聚氨酯改性丙烯酸酯弹性乳液进行了实验研究。通过异氰酸酯基和活泼氢的反应,首先利用六亚甲基二异氰酸酯,制备了双键封端的聚氨酯,然后用双键封端聚氨酯作为交联剂与丙烯酸酯单体聚合,制备聚氨酯改性丙烯酸酯弹性乳液,对制备弹性乳液的影响因素进行了讨论和分析,并且通过多种测试对聚氨酯改性丙烯酸酯弹性乳液及其涂膜进行了性能表征。关键词:核壳;聚氨酯;丙烯酸酯;弹性乳液ABSTRACTWith the rapid development of world industry, the problem of environmental pollution and shortage of resources becomes more and more serious. In the construction of coatings, with many countries to develop a reduction of paint can be volatile components (VOC) of the relevant laws and regulations, environmental protection water-based latex paint is gradually replacing the traditional solvent based coatings, and thus a new green paint research in recent years, scientists and paint companies concerned. With water as the solvent, the preparation of modified acrylate emulsion by emulsion polymerization has become one of the hot topics in the study.Core / shell emulsion is first with a monomer of conventional emulsion polymerization of seed emulsion, and then to the monomer form of seed emulsion adding lead agent and other monomers, continue emulsion polymerization, finally get the PUA hybrid emulsion with core-shell structure. PUA composite core / shell emulsion is divided into hard core and soft shell and soft core and hard shell. Among them, the hard core and soft shell is stiffer PA monomer polymer as core, a soft PU polymer shell; soft core and hard shell structure is just the opposite. PUA composite emulsion with core-shell structure wear resistance, weatherability, water resistance and tensile strength were improved.This thesis of pol


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