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第一册:重点单词+一词多义 1. Hand in hand:1. 2. 紧密相连: Theory and practice must go hand in hand. 2. Manner: manner的作单复数时不同的意思) mannered 矫揉造作的;矫饰的;不自然的 1.[singular]: 方法;方式: in a/the manner 2. (言行的)方式: aggressive manner; 3. 种类:all manner of sth 各种各样的人(或物);(as) to the manner born 自然而然地;in the manner of= in the style of 以…风格 3. [plural]: 1.礼貌;规矩:good/bad manners; have no manners= behave badly 没有礼貌 2.(某个人群的)风俗;习惯;Middle-class manners 3.Appreciation/appreciate 1.感激;感谢[U] in appreciation of : The award is given in appreciation of her huge contribution to the film business. 2.理解;体会;明白 There is a growing appreciation of the need for environmental reform 3.欣赏;赏识 4. 涨价;增值 4. Cherish 1.怀念: cherish the memory of those happy times; 2. 关爱;爱护 3. 珍爱;珍视: a cherished dream/hope/memory 5. Infectious 1.传染性的 2. (心情、行动)有感染力的;有影响力的:His enthusiasm was infectious. 6.Jolt 1.震动;颠簸:The bus jolted to a stop. 2.使震惊;使惊醒:The alarm jolted me out of a deep sleep. 7.? Bolt [n] 1.(门或窗的)金属插销 2.螺栓 a bolt from/out of the blue:大出意外的事;晴天霹雳 [v](用螺栓)把…钉在一起:bolt sth to sth 8. Scramble:1. [i] +over/up/down/out of etc 爬;攀登 scramble to your feet 匆匆站起身 2[i] 争抢;争夺 +for/ scramble to do sth 3.炒蛋:Scrambled eggs 9. confidence/confident/confidential 1.confidence: 1.信心+in? 2.信任;信赖+in? 3.信心;把握 4.秘密:gain/get sb’s confidence 赢得某人的信任; in confidence 秘密地;私下里 2. confident in the knowledge that :确保 You can go out, confident in the knowledge that your house is safe. 10. skim :[v]1.撇去(液体面上的浮物)+off : Skim the fat off the soup. 2.(使) 在表面上方快速移动 In the distance, water skiers skimmed across/over the bay;The children are skimming stone on the lake. 3.浏览;略读 +through 11. steer :steer sth away from/towards/into/through etc sth 1. 掌舵;驾驶 2.引领;引导 3.影响;引导 He steered the country through a transitional period to elections;steer sb to victory=help someone win 帮助某人取得成功; steer a course:1.遵循:They tried to steer a middle course between overconfidence and undue pessimism. 2.朝着…前进 steer a course for… 12.Smash: 1.用力打破;打碎 2.粉碎,捣毁(组织等);击败;击溃:The government would tak


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