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exclusive privileges 独有的特权 better off 更好的 national income 国民收入 business investment expenditure 企业投资支出 replacement cost 重置成本 short-distance distribution 短途配送 downtown business district 市中心商业区 checkout counter 结账柜台 the required reserve 准备金 self-sufficient 自给自足的 shopping centre 购物中心 know-how 专有技术 floating captial流动资本 economies of scale 规模经济 talk show 谈话节目 viewer demographics 观众人口统计数据 the peculiar powers 独特的力量 foreign-trade zones 对外贸易区 investment demand 投资需求 outlying villages 偏远的村庄 advertising media 广告媒体 a change in situation 形式的变化 captial equipment 资本设备 原材料Raw material 产品统一条形码 The unified product bar code 标准化集装箱Standard container 贸易差额Balance of trade 名胜古迹historical interest 规模经济Scale economy 垄断性竞争Monopolistic competition 补偿贸易Compensation trade 赤字 in the red 原始资本积累 Primitive accumulation of capital 无形贸易Invisible trade 定期存款账户Deposit account 市场经济Market economy 商业银行Commercial Bank 生产资料The means of production 文明世界The civilized world 基础设施Infrastructure 额外储备金The extra reserves 保险费Insurance premium 直接税Direct tax 医疗设备 Medical device 人造丝Artificial silk 批量生产Batch production 携手合作Work together 垄断性竞争Monopolistic competition 在和平时期In times of peace 保险单Insurance policy 成本效益Cost effectiveness 提单 bill of lading 财政危机Financial crisis 人际关系Interpersonal relationship 每隔几分钟 every free minutes 保守秘密Keep a secret 国家税务State Taxation 生活方式 Way of life  两份报纸 two copies of newspaper   一块肥皂 a bar of soap   一件家具 a piece of furniture   一把剪刀 a pair of scissors   丢弃 throw away   陷入困境 get into trouble   工业产品 industrial goods   农产品 agriculture goods   一辈子一次性的收获 a one-in-a-lifetime acquisition   没有出路的工作 a dead-end job   付一大笔钱 pay good money   过时 be out of fashion   流行 be in the fashion   批量生产 mass-production   降低成本 lower the cost   在起作用 be at work   物美价廉的产品 better quality products at good values   所得税 income tax   投放市场 put on the market   小批量 in limited quantities   大量地 in large quantities   要求 ask for   下降 go down   从商go into business   努力做某事 strive to do sth.   医疗设备 medical device   劣质产品 inferior product


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