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This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. 这里是美国之音慢速英语新闻报道。 ? Arab League foreign ministers are expected to meet in Cairo on Sunday to discuss sending observers back to Syria. A new plan calls for sending a joint observer team from the Arab League and the United Nations. 阿拉伯联盟外长预计于周六在开罗会晤讨论派遣观察员进入叙利亚。一项新方案呼吁阿拉伯联盟和联合国派遣一个联合观察小组进入叙利亚。 ? The league sent observers in December as part of an agreement with the Syrian government to halt the violence in the country. But the observers withdrew in late January to protest continued attacks on demonstrators. 作为与叙利亚政府协议的一部分,阿拉伯联盟去年12月曾派遣观察员以图阻止该国的暴力活动。但为了抗议叙利亚政府对示威活动继续攻击,观察员于一月下旬撤出了叙利亚。 ? Last Saturday Russia and China blocked another effort by the U.N. Security Council to condemn the violence in Syria. The unrest began in March. 上周六中俄两国否决了由联合国安理会提出的谴责叙利亚暴力的另一项努力。叙利亚暴乱始于去年3月。 ? Syrian government forces have been attacking rebellious areas across the country, especially in the city of Homs. Activists say hundreds of people have been killed since the offensive in Homs began a week ago. Homs is becoming a ghost city, one activist told VOA. No one is walking in the streets ... Our situation is miserable. 叙利亚政府军一直在全国范围内攻击叛乱地区,特别是霍姆斯市。活动人士称,霍姆斯攻势始于一个星期前,自那时起,已经有数百人被打死。一名活动人士对美国之音表示:“霍姆斯正在变成一个鬼城,没人在街上走动...我们的处境苦不堪言。” Because of restrictions on reporting in Syria, VOA cannot independently confirm reports from the government or the opposition. 由于叙利亚对新闻报道的限制,美国之音无法独立确认来自叙利亚政府或反对派的报道。 ? The northern city of Aleppo has been relatively quiet since the unrest began. But on Friday, Syrian television reported that two explosions killed at least twenty-eight people and wounded more than two hundred thirty others. The explosions targeted a military intelligence building and a base for security forces. 北部城市阿勒颇进入动荡以来的相对平静。但上周五,叙利亚电视台报道,两起爆炸导致至少28人死亡,超过230人受伤。两起爆炸分别针对军事情报大楼和安全部队基地。 ? Syrian TV blamed what it called armed terrorists for the attacks. But a rebel leader who heads the Free Syrian Army denied responsibility. He accused the government of


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