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英语常用句型(1) English Sentence Patterns 要看懂英语句子单是认得句子里的单词是不够的。要把貌似散乱的一大堆单词(特别是长句)切分并归拢成完整的意义单位,就要把它们之间的关系搞清楚。语法方面的知识可以部分地帮到我们,比如从句,介词词组,分词结构,形容词的修饰关系和修饰主体等。此外,句型知识也很有用。无论是阅读还是写作,熟悉英语句型都是必要前提。句型是由动词用法规定的,动词用法则源于词义。一些属于意念分类的我也放在这里,因为它们跟句子样式也有关。这就是说,当我们想表达某个意思的时候,常常会想到用一定的句子样式来表达。当然英语句型还不止这些,但它们是最常用到的。 SVA ( s v adv/prep: behave, live, sit, stand, work, stay, go, come walk, flow, rise) She was doing well at school. He lived in a new flat in the downtown area. Much to my surprise they offered me the job. He walked through the streets in search of the famous shop. I will go to the dentist tomorrow morning. Above, the sky was clearing after its interlude of storm, with a three-quarter moon beginning to break through, and around them the city center was settling down to silence, broken by an occasional late taxi and the sharp tattoo of their footsteps echoing hollowly through the canyon of darkened buildings. SV In Wide Sargasso Sea, which is set in Jamaica and Dominica during the 1830s, she returns to that spiritual country as to a distant dream, and discovers it, for all its beauty (and she conjures up this beauty with haunting perfection) to have been a nightmare. SVA SVOC He talked to her endlessly about his love of horizontals; how they, the great levels of sky and land in Lincolnshire, meant to him the eternality of the will, just as the bowed Norman arches of the church, repeating themselves, meant the dogged leaping forward of the persistent human soul, on and on, nobody knows where; in contradiction to the perpendicular lines and to the Gothic arch, which, he said , leapt up at heaven and touched the ecstasy and lost itself in the divine. SVA He would never have got so far in the direction of sentimentality as to read poetry to his own family. SVA (s v by doing sth) She earns her living by selling insurance. (s v without doing sth) Liz closed the door without making a sound. I can’t write without taking a lot of drink. (s v to do) He went to the cl


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