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江苏畜牧兽医职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文) 题目: 设计某品牌车型促销方案 姓名: 蔡先东 学号: 201011819 二级院系部: 机电工程系 班级: 汽车10 专业: 汽车技术服务与营销 指导教师: 夏勇 职称: 教师 二〇一三年四月 设计某品牌车型促销方案 【摘要】 近两年,SUV车型以其格外抢眼的销量表现领跑中国车市,令其他车型望其项背。SUV这一细分市场的消费群体还在不断扩大,而汽车厂家也都纷纷应势推出各色车型,无论是城市型还是越野型,SUV已经成为一种流行趋势,不可阻挡。 记者从新华信日前发布的《2011年汽车流行趋势调查报告》中看到,SUV的支持率大幅上升,关注度首次超过三厢轿车,跃居“2011年最受欢迎车型”首位。 论文通过分析SUV与普通轿车的营销策略的不同,从而引出自主品牌长城哈弗在SUV市场的优越性和营销策略分析的正确引导;论文的研究对象是汽车市场的一个品牌细分领域—长城哈弗SUV,在对SUV市场进一步分析的基础上,对长城哈弗产品进行了市场定位,确立了目标客户群,从产品、价格、渠道、促销等方面对长城哈弗SUV市场营销策略进行了研究;并分述哈弗SUV的整体促销理念和营销沟通渠道,得出长城哈弗在SUV市场上的适合营销策略。 【关键词】 长城哈弗SUV;定位分析;swot分析; Abstract in the past two years, sales of suvs, with its exceptionally strong performance leading Chinese auto market, thats more than anybody to other models. SUV this segment of the market continues to expand the consumer groups, and auto makers should also have the potential to launch all kinds of models, whether in the cities or off-road, SUV has become a popular trend, unstoppable. Journalists from the new huaxin recently released 2011 automotive trends survey in SUVs approval ratings have risen sharply, focus sedan cars for the first time, as 2011 most popular models first. Paper through the analysis of the marketing strategy of SUV with ordinary cars, which leads to its own brand of Great Wall haval SUV market superiority and correct guidance of the analysis of marketing strategy; Papers research object is a brand of automobile market of niche - Great Wall haval SUV, the SUV market, on the basis of further analysis on the Great Wall haval product market positioning, established the target customer base, from product, price, channel, promotion, etc, to the Great Wall haval SUV market marketing strategy is studied; And points of haval SUV, the overall marketing idea and marketing communication channels, in Great Wall haval SUV on the market for marketing strategy. Key words Gr


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