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摘 要 近年来,电子工业发展非常惊人,当然这些进步都成了人类生活不可缺少的,1937年莫尔斯发明的有线电报开创了利用电传递信息的新时代。1876年贝尔发明的电话已成为我们日常生活中通信的重要工具,1918年,调幅无线广播条幅接收机问世,1936年,商业电视广播开播……伴随着人类的文明、社会的进步和科学技术的发展,电信技术也是以一日千里的速度飞速发展,无线通信在现在的生活中更是重要,我们常用的手机,无线电话还有各种电器的遥控器等,大到航天小到小孩玩具都离不开发射和接收设备。 调频与调幅是目前应用最广的两种发送接收方式,随着社会发展调频方式越来越成为现代设备的必要工作方式。 关键词:接收机 超外差 调频 abstract In recent years, the electronics industry is very alarming, of course, these advances have become an indispensable part of human life, the 1937 cable Morse invented telegraph to create a new era for the use of electronic transmission of information. 1876 ??Bell invented the telephone has become an important tool in our everyday life communication, 1918, AM radio broadcasting banner receivers come out in 1936, commercial television broadcasting programs ... along with human civilization, social progress and science and technology development of telecommunications technology is also based on the rapid speed of the rapid development of wireless communication is important in the present life, we often use mobile phones, wireless phones, there are a variety of electrical remote control, etc., a large space small children toys from development of radio and receiving equipment. FM and AM is the most widely used of the two sending and receiving increasingly become the modern equipment necessary to work with the social development of FM mode. The superheterodyne many receivers are widely used technology, compared with the direct amplification receiver, superheterodyne has many outstanding advantages. Has good sensitivity, easy to get large enough and relatively stable put a lot of easy to adjust. Keywords: receiver superheterodyne FM 目录 摘 要 I abstract II 1 1.1 接收机的简述 1 1.2 接收机的分类 1 1.2.1按是否含有混频器分类 1 1.2.2按调制方式不同分类 2 1.3 比较分析 2 1.3.1 超外差式与直放式比较 2 1.3.2调频相对于调幅的优势 3 1.3.3方案确定 3 2 主要技术性能指标 3 2.1 调频部分和收音部分的主要指标 3 2.2 调频部分的主要性能指标


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