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内 容 摘 要 自1998年停止福利分房制度,全面推行住房供给商品化以来,中国房地产市场再度复苏,近十年来在连续多年保持高速增长的发展态势下,各地房地产价格均出现大幅上涨,这种趋势的持续发展已成为政府、开发商、市民都普遍关注且敏感的热点问题。由于地价是房价的重要构成部分,房价与地价的关系也就成为人们关注的重要问题。本文以嘉兴市区房地产业作为研究对象,从房价地价关系上来探讨嘉兴市区房价上涨问题。本文共分为五个部分:第一部分阐述了研究的背景和意义;第二部分是对嘉兴市区某一代表性楼盘的地价与房价作构成分析;第三部分运用经济学原理着重分析房价与地价的关系;第四部分收集了2002年—2008年嘉兴市区的房屋销售价格指数和土地交易价格指数的数据,运用Eviews软件进行数据分析;第五部分得出地价与房价关系研究的结论。 关键词:嘉兴市区、房价、地价、关系 ABSTRACT Since 1998, the welfare housing system has been stopped and the commercialization of housing supply has been carried out fully, Chinese real estate market recovered again. Under the situation of rapid development in recent years, the real estate prices in all locations raised dramatically which gradually becomes the common concern and hot issue to government, housing developers and even the citizens. As land price is the important part of housing price, the relationship between land price and housing price becomes important issue to people. Taking the real estate industry in Jiaxing city as the research object, we conduct the research on housing price growth proceeding from the relationship between land price and housing price. The paper consists of five parts. The first part elaborates the study’s background and significance. The second part is to analyze a representative building’s land price and housing price in Jiaxing city. The third part is the analysis of the relationship between housing price and land price by using the economics principle. In the forth part, we collect the data of housing price index and land price index in Jiaxing city during 2002 to 2008, then analyze the data with Eviews software. The conclusion of study on relationship between housing and land price is conducted in the fifth part. KEYWORDS:Jiaxing city, housing price,land price, relation 正文目录 第一章 引言 1 第一节 选题背景 1 第二节 选题的意义 2 第三节 论文思路 2 第二章 地价与房价的构成分析 3 第一节 地价构成 3 第二节 房价构成 3 一、房价的构成分析 3 二、嘉兴市区一代表性楼盘房价的构成分析 4 第三章 房价与地价关系的理论分析 6 第一节 关于地价与房价关系的争论 6 第二节 地价与房价关系的经济学分析 6 第四


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